Pool 4 High Water Spawning Walleyes

I finally had the chance to get a few days off during last week and the weekend, and it paid off big. Those four days saw plenty of big fish caught, not only from my boat but from a fair amount of other boats around also. The fishery we have in pool 4 is nothing short of exceptional.

I had the chance to spend my time off with a few good friends and my father-in-law. My father-in-law is now offically hooked on fishing the river. It is amazing on what 2 good days on the river will do to a guy.

The river has seen a few changes over the last week or so, and will continue to change for a while now. Visibility has dropped some and the flow and stage has increased. Those changes call for yet another change in presentions and locations.

As for locations, the water has come up enough to move the current seams in towards shore a fair distance. That gives the fish less area to hold in and gives the fisherman the upper hand. The seams that have been most productive for my boat have been the sand flats and the flooded shorelines, with the shorelines having the upper hand.

As for presentions, they have only slightly changed. Blades have still been putting the most fish in my boat, with pro-blue ringworms coming in second. Blades have had to be worked a little slower with the current up a little. With the current up my jig size has also increased in some spots. 3/16 to 5/16 has been the range I have been working with.

The river will be changing everyday for a while now, and so will the fish. The walleyes will be changing over from pre-spawn to spawning to post-spawn. These fish can be caught at any of these times. Just remember to cover some water, change presentions often, and remember the fish may have moved from the previous day. Don’t be afraid to try out new locations and differnt presentions than you normally would also.

Until next time………….

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I enjoy Fishing year round and Deer hunting with Bow and Firearms.


  1. A few more

    I would also like to thank those who shared my boat with me and also those who I shared their boat with. It was a great time

  2. awesome fish Eric. Did I hear rumor of the gates being pulled a few days ago???? The water isn’t that high is it?

  3. Quote:

    awesome fish Eric. Did I hear rumor of the gates being pulled a few days ago???? The water isn’t that high is it?

    You heard right, they pulled the gates last saturday. The water isnt that high right now. It is up to the bottom of the rocks below the fish house. So in other words yes your spot may be good this weekend

  4. nice fishys i sure wish i didnt have so far to go to get there !! im still ice fishing for pete sake !! need to go boating

  5. Quote:

    Great looking fish, but I have to ask–When did smiling for the camera go out of style??

    As you can tell I was caught off gaurd about every time. You can tell just by my eyes, how I look surprised. Between that and the weight of the fish it was hard to look the best for the camera

  6. Quote:

    Eric, how did you end up in the tourney this past weekend?

    We had a very very high boat number and that caused us not to be able to get to the spots I wanted to. A lot of the locations right now (since they are in the process of spawning) are one boat spots. If you arent the first one there you really have no chance and getting those fish.

    So in other words, not worth a crap. But congrats to the guys who did well.

  7. Quote:

    Great looking fish, but I have to ask–When did smiling for the camera go out of style??

    You must be bored with catching big fish with a look like that

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