Even despite cold front conditions, the big fish bite for walleyes on Pool four continues. With such an amazing spring on the river I should not be surprised. I guess with the flow being "low" for so long into their spawn, the females have chosen main channel spots to stage, and then they are in the main river in such numbers, cold front or none, your chances of getting a good one are excellent.
Despite the rains the river is still in good condition with limited debris and grass, and only moderate color in the water. I did notice today all four dam gates are up, and with the gates up; the first real deadheads (fifteen footers) are coming down the line. Early morning anglers and after dark anglers should be even more on your toes while motoring. I checked the NOAA river website and they forecasted only a foot rise for the next five days, their forecasts are normally very accurate, so walleye locations should remain consistent. Many female walleyes are still prespawn, and the males have not been on the chew for many days in a row.
Like other anglers I have been targeting shallow sand, but today that didn’t produce, I found fish in the 12 to 14 foot range strongly relating to current seams. With the heavy winds reading the water is tough, but my friend Mike Walerak and I got a couple windless moments to identify an important current seam in an area we targeted, that helped to produce fish.
Best lures today was a ¼ ounce black and purple Evert’s brand jig head teamed with a sweet new colored ringworm Dean set me up with, I think he’s named it Gecko? By the way ever wonder how Dean thinks up these names? Casting and sweeping this lure on the deep sand worked well, I have also had success working rock with moderate flow with ¼ ounce blades. I used 6lb sensation glow green line for pitching and Fireline 4lb test for blades, and the Limit Creek 6′ 9" medium light for pitching blades and plastics. The monster saugers haven’t showed up in force yet, and a few white bass have come in, but they aren’t on the chew yet either. Keep Catchin’
Thanks for the report Turk
Nice informative report Turk…some real beauties there! The only picture that isnt perfectly sharp is the 1st one…must have been a shaky camera man…

It was good to see you before we left Thursday. The 6’9″ Smoothie is a great rod for pitching those smaller blades.
I can’t wait until I can get out with you on the Croix…keep the reports coming!
Nice to see you too Tom! I agree the rod excels at pitching blades/lindy rigging. Let me know about the Croix, With the Croix opener soon, I hope the P4 withdrawls aren’t that bad though.
More great looking P4 walleyes. Nice report Turk!
Sure wish I could have found a way to get over there this spring. No doubt, I missed out on some awesome fishing.
Great Report Turk
Nice Fish
Good report,nice pics!!See you out there this coming week?
The P-4 withdrawals never go away…they just get worse over the years…
But I can see an adventure coming called “Snelling on the Croix”

Nice job Turk and Mike!!!
It looks like tomorrow and Thursday. You still on the hogs?
Hey Turk, Great report! See ya out on the Croix!!! Joe
Don’t let Deano sell you any Gecko hair jigs, they absoluteloy WILL NOT catch fish in september or october!!!!!!!!!
Will be looking for some hogs thu.friday.sat.sun.Work has screwed up the rest of the week for me.
Nice report.

Way to go
Nice repo Turkish