Well another weekend has come and gone, but not without some good times shared, stories told, and some big fish caught. I took a three day weekend this past weekend to share the water with friends and family. I spent last friday with IDAer walleyedds (Tom), Saturday was spent with my grandpa and one of his buddies, and Sunday was spent with a long time friend and fishing buddy Jim B. Thank you all for sharing my boat with me, it was a pleasure fishing with you all.
This past weekend brought much of the same as the prior weekend with a few little changes that proved to make a big difference in our success rate. A few changes in regaurds to location, position of fish, and lure colors seemed to be the most important.
The locations these fish have been holding has since changed due to the fish going from pre-spawn staging areas to spawning areas. At least half of the females that were caught we were able to push a little spawn out of them. With the fish being in the spawning period it has moved them to shallow areas that are filled with sand or gravel and that have deeper water nearby. Find an area that is shallow, has sand and/or gravel bottom, and that is out of the current and you should find yourself some walleyes.
The position of the walleyes in those locations has also slightly changed due to a few things. One being the amount of boat traffic and fishing pressure, and the other also due to them starting to spawn. With those two things in mind the fish have been holding on the break line of deeper water and moving into the shallows to either feed or to spawn. Position yourself so you are able to fish both the breakline and the shallow area. By doing so you will be able to reach them whether they are just holding on the breakline or when they move up to the shallows.
With the water getting a SLIGHT tint in it I have seen the color preference change slightly. Our best colors for the weekend would have to be the Gold B3 blade bait, and firecracker chart. tail ringworm on a black precision head. Blades seemed to be a bit preffered over the ringworms this past weekend for my boat but I wouldn’t leave home without both of them.
I would look for most of this week to be good to great fishing as the fish are getting ready to spawn and are quite vulnerable due to low water at this time. If there is any possible way that you can get out there I would go for it, as I dont think you would be dissapointed.
It was nice to see a lot of IDA’ers out there this past weekend. I hope everyone had a good weekend.
ALL fish pictured were released to be caught again another day.
Until next time………….
The rest of the weekends catch

Great report Eric!! It was nice to see you out there on Friday. What a great day. Thanks to you and some of your tips my dad was able to stick the hooks to 3 fish over 27.5″ on Friday. Thanks again and keep up the great reports!!
Great report and some very nice looking fish. Good job!
Unbelievable. Once again. Great fishery down there, and i hope someday to fish it. Way to go you guys.
Keep pulling those pigs
I wonder if Dean would let me come back for another weekend…..hmmmmm, better check with Amber! Awesome fish Eric. It almost seems as if a 7-10 lb fish is just a common fish! What an awesome fishery!
Great Report Eric
Nice Fish Guys
WOW!!! Great report Eric, you and Jim sure have those fish dialed in.
Its hard to believe I didnt’ run into you on sat, with the light traffic and all
I’ll see you down there this weekend,
Awesome Report. Nice fish
Great pics Eric,Just love the the big grin on Jim B’s face
See you this weekend.

Wow! Those are some great looking fish Eric.
Great pictures too.
Great fish Eric and some good advice to! It was good seeing you Saturday.
Nice fish!!!! How big are those ones Jim has???
Nice hogs!!
Like Andy said “Those are some true HOGS” Great report Eric
Great report Eric,
The fish have been snapping, and like Steve said-how often do you get to think a 5-6 pound fish is just average. Saturday night was good for us, but we had to leave the water way to early–this fish were still snapping. For us, purple blades.
Pretty special place,
We did not have a scale with us in the boat, but my best educated guess would be the biggest being just under 12. She was 29 1/2″. With 5 others making it over the 10 pound mark.

Even if dean says no I will let you come back again
Super report!
those look like some big healthy females nice job
Nice fish guys.
Looks like you had a great weekend,Good job on the fish guy’s
Way to go