It was a chilly afternoon, the wind was blowing at a steady pace from the southeast, the clouds looked like they could add some rain to the already chilly temps of 40 degrees, it didn’t make a difference, it was time to go fishing!
I was joined by MNfishHUNT(Mike) for a couple hours this afternoon for a quick trip to try to catch a couple fish, and to get a little pre-fishing for the April Fools Cat Gathering coming this Saturday, April 5th. We didn’t have very high expectations with the cold weather and recent snowfall melting and dropping down the water temperatures.
As we expected, the fishing started a bit on the slow side, It took about 30 minutes to finally connect with our 1st fish which was a chunky 26″ channel cat willing to grab my recently thawed chunk of shad on a 1/0 Gamakatsu Circle hook. The bite slowly picked up and the bites became more frequent. In 2 hours fishing, we managed to catch 7 channel cats ranging from 16″ – 28″.
Our technique was simple, we did what we had to do for early season, cold water cats. We found where the fish were located, found a bait they were willing to work with, and kept our lines in very close proximity to the fish and the bite greatly improved.
Rods: 8 1/2″ spinning gear (St Croix Tidemaster & Cabelas King Cat)
Reels: Okuma Epixor(Salt Striker), and another Okuma 30 model on St Croix
Line: 20# – 50# Power pro (Yellow and Red Used)
Hooks: 1/0 Gamakatsu Circle hooks on 14″ leader
Weight: 1oz – 2oz Bank sinkers
Bait: Shad(Large Frozen Fresh) 1/4″ X 1 1/2″ chunk
For anyone interested in Catching some of these fish themselves, come on down to the April Fools Cat Gathering this coming Saturday April 5th! The weather looks good and its sure to be a good time!
The kick off to the MN wet water season!
Thanks for messing up my whole night Dave! Out to the garage to finish spooling some new Power Pro on!
Great Report Dave
That gets the blood going. Nice report Dave!
awesome fish, i hope it gets better this saturday, cant wait to be there. great job guys.
Great report and detail!
Spring is officially here now!
Good luck this weekend guys and gals!

Nice job with the Channels,
If I was not going out with Dustin, I’d be down there.
Good Luck, Saturday.
thanks Dave it was nice to get out again after a few weeks of not getting any fishing in. whats this 2 successful trips in a row for us, that has to be a first
now I am really wishing i could make the gathering this weekend, oh well too bad i have to work, you all have fun out there
Great Report Mate! Nice to the Kitty’s are waking up.
Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.
Nice report! Good to see the fish are staring to cooperate.