Pool 4 Sat Mar 29, 2008

This last Saturday I shared my boat with my church Pastor, Per, and his youngest son Kristian. We were not able to get on to the water til late morning, and fished til about 3pm.

If you were out on Saturday, and your name is NOT Dustin, James, Tuck, or Dean, then you probably had a slow day.

Yes, Overall the fishing was a little slow, but many days during the fishing year, it is NOT all about the catching, but spending quality time, with important people in your life. And this was one of those days.

We made a few jigging passes in the Y area, and also up around the no.1 and 2 wingdams. Bites were very few and inbetween. We mainly used 1/4 and 3/8 jigs with a few different colors of SuperDoos, in the 20 to 25 foot ranges. There were just not many fish being caught by any boats around us. We did not carry any minnows for our short time out, but I feel on a slow day, a jig and minnow, or hairjib and minnow would have gotten us a few more fish. We did end up taking home 3 eater size fish for Per and his family to enjoy that evening. We had a great time together, and I look forward to when we can do it again.

The water clarity was down to about a foot and a half or a little less, and am sure the boating pressure did put a dent into the fish activity.

The walleye spawn should be in the next week and a half or so, and there still will be many good fishing days in the next few weeks.

Dean and his crew at Evert’s, are really doing a great job with handling all the traffic, which is really No easy task.

If you have not gotten the boat out yet, dust it off, and start your 2008 season right with a day or two out of Evert’s on Pool 4.

click on pics to enlarge….


  1. Good to see you down there Jack. It was slow for our boat too. We had the son-in-law and his brother in the boat and we worked hard ALL day for 4 keepers and a couple that were a little big—21 inches or so. On some bodies of water that would be a good day—I think alot of us really take the great fishing on Pool 4 for granted. It is one phenominal fishery!!!

  2. Might have been a little slow, but looking at the smile on Christians face says a lot about what kind of day he had.

    Nice job Jack!


  3. Good report Jack. Sounds like you guys had a good time. We were also down there on Saturday. It was a slow day for us too. I agree with a simple live bait methold. I switched to a lindy rig with a plain orange hook and a fathead and started to hook up with a lot more fish.

  4. Jack, you are so right. It is ALL about spending quality time with people, building relationships. You even caught a meal too.

  5. Jack, what church do you attend? I recognize that name Per as someone who may have been on staff at Prince of Peace maybe. I was Faith Covenant in B-ville for 6.5 years and now am at Berean Pastoring their Sunday night community. Glad you guys could catch some fish.

  6. Micah,
    Yes it would be the same Per Nilsen. We are are Community of Hope Lutheran in Rosemount. Per was at Prince of Peace with Mike Foss.
    thanks for asking

  7. Nice Report Jack! It’s always a good feeling when you put kids on some fish!

  8. Nice report Jack. How were the water conditions? I had to work again this weekend. My boat is looking like it’s itch’in to go.

  9. Jim,
    Water conditions was really quite good, not too much flow, and vis around 1 to 1 1/2 feet.
    Next 2 weeks should be pretty good fishing, and bigger fish should continue to show up.

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