central Nebraska crappie action

Headed for the canal Thursday afternoon and met Brady Smith from Lexington along the way. We headed for one spot, and luckily, we never had to leave. It didn’t take us long to figure out what depth they were at, so once we did that, it was game on. Having been 3-4 days after the cold front, and having a great day weather-wise Thursday sure did help our efforts.

Once we found what depth they were at, that’s about all it took. They weren’t picky, which made for a nice day for us. They hit on white, green, yellow, and even red marabou jigs. I don’t usually jig much at all, but I noticed at times Brady was jigging pretty aggressively, and he was doing just fine. Lots of small fish this day, but lots of good ones too, including this one.

They were really spread out in the water column as the day moved on, but if you could find the general depth they were suspended at, you were easily in business. Like I said, lots of small ones, but right after you caught a 7 incher, you’d catch another 12 incher.

All in all, it was a great day. My counter at the end of the day said 62, and I know Brady kept right up with me. We moved to another spot briefly before we left, and Brady really pulled ahead of me there. I’m not afraid to say we caught 140-150 crappies yesterday, easily the best day I’ve ever had there. We only brought 10 home, so I’m happy that we released most all of the big ones. Some of them were nice fat females that I expect will move out to spawning areas real soon, if the weather stays decent. What a great day!


  1. Super job, Brian way to hammer those crappies. C&R and enough fresh fish to eat! What more can a man ask for. Keep the reports coming. With track in full swing; I’ll have to live vicariously through your reports.

    Good fishin’

    ps. I’ll drink to that

  2. Brian,
    SOunds like a great time . Glad you were able to get out as I was burning up the highway on thursday.

  3. Thanks for the open water crappie report; you are getting me pumped for this over feet of ice to melt.

    If the bite is slower, do you ever have to tip your maribou jigs?


  4. Thanks for the report, it gives us something over here to look forward too pretty soon. Im hitting the Wapsi river as soon as it drops and clears up for crappies in the deeper holes. I got my eye on one hole because I know theres big ones in there.

  5. Thanks guys!

    Jason- Ya, we will tip our jigs at times, usually with those crappie nibbles or something like that. I don’t usually tip with minnows this early because I feel like the bait would be too big. I’m also anxious to try some of the Gulp stuff when I get there on a slow day, which will definitely happen.

    Let us know how ya do. Before I went to this place (the water was 20′), we did catch some crappies in an area that was only 3′ deep, at the max. In fact, the area we were catching them in was about 1 1/2′ I would guess. But the water was moving, so that probably made the difference there. Hope you get out and catch some!

  6. Thanks for the report Brian and congrats on a successful day! That’s the type of day when you want some kids with!

  7. Thanks for the report and pics Brian. Those 12 1/2 inch crappies a very nice ones. Sure gets me anxious for some open water crappie fishing. Its almost here but just not quite yet. But that ice is melting.
    Thanks, Bill

  8. Nice report Brian.
    Great to see nice crappies coming from open water.
    Most of our lakes around here are still covered with ice.


  9. Quote:

    That’s the type of day when you want some kids with!

    That`ll be me…. take me….. take me… I allways get like a kid when I fish crappies on open water it can be such a hoot.

    Great job Brian

  10. Great report! I’ve always wondered where a guy could access the canal system. Are there any boat ramps for entering the canal?

  11. Ha ha Trevor, very funny!

    You know, that was the weird thing Zach, no other fish at all besides crappies. But I probably will be putting more time into sauger fishing this year, that’s for sure.

  12. Nice report guys!

    140-150 crappies in a day is great action too!

    Do you boys ever use “Tubies” down there? We use them with fantastic results here during the open water period.


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