Pool 10 shallow water slabs

With the slow March melt and rising waters on pool 10 our group today figured we could be in for a good shallow water long stick bite.

Getting an early start, it did not take long for the slabs to show and let us know that they were hungry.

The first hour of daylight was by far, the hottest bite of the day.When the warm sun finally broke over the trees the first run was over.Many nice crappies were caught throughout the morning,jut not as furious as the first hour.

It seemed that everyone was using something a little different, but for myself,the hot pink lil cecil by BfishN tackle was the ticket.

One thing about crappies,when you do find them shallow in the melting period of late winter they usually leave no doubt when they hit.Watching your spring go from horizontal to vertical in a lightning second was the kind of action our group had today. With the slow,lethargic bite we have witnessed the last month of this cold winter,it was a welcome sight to have fish hit the way they are suppose to.

Finding his way back to the river after last weeks gtg was Mark (Rembandt )Lang.I think after a cold day and a slower bite last week,Mark had something to prove.I do know that Mark iced some really nice slabs today .Nice seeing you again Mark,hope we can make it out once more before open water season!

What a special time of year for hard core ice heads.

Hole hopping with the long sticks,listening to the returning flocks of waterfowl while chatting with friends and family.This is just the kind of therapy we were looking for after that insane,ugly winter we went through!

Thoughts of open water walleyes are really coming into the picture but with days like these it’s really hard to quit!

Now to go find some aloe for my sun burned face.

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  1. Thanks for another great trip to the river Jeff! Shallow water could be an understatement…there were some holes the ice was thicker than the depth of the water below, which created alot of headaches for the crappies in my holes at first. I’m so used to fishing 6-8 ft of water that hookset just doesnt work well with crappies hitting just below the ice .

    With this warm weather the ice is starting to go quite quickly!

    Crazy, Thanks for showing me the ropes,couldnt of done it without ya! Oh by the way, you were the one that caught the biggest crappie at the gtg, right?

    The hospitallity of the Jensen family is second to none and I Thank you again !

  2. Great job guys!!

    I returned from a 2 day outing in Lacrosse, with good numbers! Friday the bite was pretty tough, only kept a few and released most!!!

    Saturday we went back out with the idea of keeping a mess for a fry, and to put some into the freezer. The results were GREAT! I had my limit by noon! A couple pictures from Saturday’s catch. I had to throw another BUD background picture in with my biggest one, I know some of you enjoy seeing them!!

    Was fishing in 38FOW and these guys would show up anywhere from 15ft to 28ft! They put up a great fight too! I don’t know if I’ve ever had them fight as much as they did yesterday!! Many would make a turn under the hole, and take off!

    It was a blast!

  3. Nice report. Good to see you guys could get into some crappies again before the ice goes. What areas were you targeting? Did very well on big gills on pool 11 yesterday that was recently dredged gonna head up to bertom today and give it a shot. thanks

  4. Rolled Cam out of the rack early this morning.The bite was still good!

    Cam started slow but rallied and took big fish honors.

    (He always does that )

    Cam also hooked his first fish with a lamprey attached.They really do sicken me.

  5. Quote:

    Nice report. Good to see you guys could get into some crappies again before the ice goes. What areas were you targeting? Did very well on big gills on pool 11 yesterday that was recently dredged gonna head up to bertom today and give it a shot. thanks

    The north end of a large bay.With the rising waters the crappies were just starting to get into the weeds and pads.
    Yesterday,as the day wore on, the crappies moved very, very shallow.
    Good luck at Bertum,let me know how you do.The reports have been good.

  6. WOW!!! I was awake at 4:30 this morning wish I would have gotten up and went over there with you guys!! But instead I went back to Those are some nice fish good job!!!


  7. Quote:

    Great report Jeff. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Isn’t this spring ice fishing fantastic?

    Thanks Mike,and it looks like it’s not over yet.
    I drilled a few holes this morning on the shaded west bank of the bay we were in……+22 inches of ice! Getting on is always dicey this time of year but with planks or a small boat we could be at this for another couple weeks

  8. Nice report Jeff!

    Looks like you all had a blast catching those dandy crappies thru the ice.
    I sure thought long and hard about making the drive down to this outing but the call of open water was just a little to much for me to resist.

    Looks like I definitely missed out on a great time.

    Nice job guys. Maybe next year.


  9. Nice Report Jeff! Your dad’s smile with his crappie is priceless! Thats what its all about – building memories with your loved ones.

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