Pool 4- Tues 3/11/08

Today turned out to be just an awesome day to be outside and on the water on Pool 4, doing what we ALL love to do this time of year. Get the boat out and go fishing…

My friend Steve joined me, and we did not get on the water til close to 2pm, so only had a few hours til we had to leave.

We made a few passes in the Y area, and had nothing, so ended going further up near the dam and did some drifting and dragging in the 18-24 foot range.

We mainly worked our jigs with Ringworms and SuperDoos just off the bottom. Char/Pep SD was what Steve had on to catch and land our biggest fish of the day, a near almost 21 inch Sauger. I heard a boat near us say, that guy has one ON. I knew there were not many boats in our area, so I looked around to see who he was talking about, to find Steve, hard into fighting his Sauger. I have been bringing Steve down to Pool 4 for quite a while now, and this IS his largest Sauger ever. After a few quick pics, He was happy to have this big girl back and swimming again.

This 18 inch Sauger totally inhaled a jig and firecraker ringworm.

Overall the fishing was very slow, we had a total of 4 bites, and landed 3 fish. It really was about being out on the water with a good friend and enjoying the day.

Dean has the ramps at Evert’s all in excellent shape, and with milder temps forecast for the next few days, there likely will be some busy traffic days on the river.

Get those boats out of storeage and dusted off, some of the best river fishing of the year is just around the corner.



  1. Congrats on your big sauger Steve!

    Nice report Jack.

    Can’t wait to get my boat back on the water again. This warm weather sure would be great to enjoy while fishing on open water once again.


  2. Sounds like you guys had a nice day out there Jack. Seems like every time we plan a day we are lucky to get out of the twenties. Heck of a difference from Sunday to yesterday temerature wise. Those saugers are tanks right now, aren’t they!

  3. Jack, Great fish, those big sauger are still there I see. Good luck on Monday.
    Chuck87, Don’t give up to soon, sometimes its still early in the spring. The best bite is yet to come. If you could use a little help give me a shout.

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