Zumbro Zinger 2008 on Lake Zumbro

Saturday March 8th was the date of the annual Zumbro Zinger on Lake Zumbro put on by Mike [HOF] Smith and ”Crappie Tom” Sawvell. This is an annual get together where everyone is invited to get together for ice fishing, fun and even lunch on the ice.

The first pic is of Mike [HOF] Smith with a couple nice gills he caught. The get together took place on the ice at Fishermans Inn. This year with having one of those old fashion type winters the fish hadn’t moved in here yet like we hoped they would have. There were fish alright but the bite was tougher than normal for this time of year calendar wise.

Lunch on the ice consisted of several kinds of brats and chips and Dan Theim brought a big grill to cook them on. Prizes were provided by Hooked On Fishing, Crappie Tom Jigs, and Lindy Tackle, Culprit Crappie Baits and Mepps/Mr Twister. Thanks guys for all the donations that were provided.

The third pic is Spence [the name he goes by on the site] with a nice fish caught. The fishing was slow but there were fish to be caught if you waited them out. My Vexilar showed fish suspended and I could pull some up from the bottom but it was tough getting them to commit. The last pic is one that wasn’t afraid to commit once I gave up on the suspended ones and went after the ones relating to the bottom. I want to thank everyone for coming. Its always alot of fun to get together like this and see everyone. Some of us stayed and fished this area after lunch while others headed downstream to check out the bite down there. Hopefully somebody will let us know how they did. Again thanks to all who brought food, donated prizes for the drawing and best of all thanks for sharing your day with everyone at the get together.

Thanks, Bill

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IDO Reporter, Walleye Searchers of Minnesota Member


  1. Bill,
    Good times on the water with good friends any day is a GOOD day.
    the catching is NOT really that important.
    Keep having those Great days..

  2. it was fun meeting new faces and bsing most of the time as the fish didn’t seam to wanna bite i will make it next year for sure

  3. One of the neat things about this day was that I put the Snosuit to the test fishing on a bucket instead of being in a shelter and was just find even though it was pretty cold out that morning. And I’m a guy who has problems with cold weather. My Fishtrap stayed inside the car. A couple features that I don’t think get mentioned in the advertisement is that the sleeves at the wrist and also on the pant legs at the ankles have cuffs inside them so it fits snug up against your wrist and ankles so no cold gets in through those areas. There are pockets that not only have the velco fastener but also has a zipper under the flaps so nothing can fall out of your pockets. And the bigger pockets on the jacket where you would stick your hands into if you wanted to get your hands out of the cold is fleece lined inside which sure feels warm. The Snosuit sure has alot of neat features that I very much appreciate. It really spoils a guy.

    Thanks, Bill

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