Ten of us and all our gear was loaded up into 3 trucks and we were leaving Onalaska WI. heading North for the big pond at 5am Thursday morning. The trip felt like it took forever waiting to get to the ice so the trucks could be unloaded in anticipation for the fun to begin. After hitting a local bait shop and checking in with George at Nitti’s Hunters Point Resort we were fishing by noon. Are whole crew would like to thank George and staff for the treatment we receive every time we make it to Mille Lacs. The shacks are always on good fish and in great shape and the food and spirits at the resort are always a great way to spend an evening. Thanks from all of us to all of you for making it a great vacation
I would like to also thank Bob Carlson (Bobber) for the tips and info he was willing to share with are group. We found it to be a tough bite but with all the info everyone did share with us we were able to catch some quality fish.
After a good number of holes were drilled at Flamingo Reef the 10 of us started chasing fish immediately. It’s funny how fast things can be unpacked between 10 guys wanting to start the chase
Within 10 minutes of the search I tagged into a 25 inch Walleye that made sure I had my hands full. This fish had equipment doubled over after smacking a Perch colored Forage Minnow tipped with a minnow head tied too 2lb Trilene XL spooled on a Pflueger President micro spinning reel seated on the UL St. Croix Ice Legend rod, all I can say is “that was a blast” It took a lot of patients to keep this fish buttoned up before she was willing to put her head in the hole and come top side for a picture, this was a personal best Walleye caught through the ice for me
Even with a tough bite, Thursday produced a few nice perch and some other short eyes and a good time for the group.
Day two (Friday): After JP Mason fed us all a great breakfast and a study of the map, JP Mason fired up his GPS with the LakeMaster chip and we made a run to Agate Bay Reef to see if we could find a little more activity from the perch. JP Mason iced a dandy after dropping into the first hole making things look like we were going to be on perch, funny how they can fool a guy like that :daoh:
It wasn’t long and things were loaded back up and a run for Two Mile Reef was made. This is where things became interesting for Paul Jr. He had his hands full with a pig Eye at 24.5 inches being his personal best Walleye which also hit the offering of a Forage minnow but tipped with a waxie. Congrats on a great Walleye Paul
After sometime went by with just dinks being caught the group came to the conclusion Flamingo Reef was holding the better sized Perch. 26-32fow was producing some nice fish. Keeping the jigs at the 20 foot mark kept the little guys hugging bottom away but the bigger perch did not have a problem coming up that high in the water column to take the offering. I found that anything with orange pulled the most targets on the LX-5. Eric found these two sumo perch wanting a small green tear drop tipped with a waxie.
Day three (Saturday…Perch Extravaganza)
The ten of us made a spread across Flamingo Reef hoping to take a winning perch, it wasn’t to be but we did ice a few more dandy perch. The 2 spoons that had me putting them back on time after time were the Perch Forage Minnow and the Size 6 Fire Tiger Demon Jigging Spoon both tipped with a minnow head.
If you have not been to the Perch Extravaganza you are missing out on a great time. The crowd was huge but well behaved and everyone was having a good time. It was great to meet big G, Doug Ertl and perchhead for the first time. It was also good to see Tuck and Bobber once again. I know I met others but for how good I am with names I apologize Sorry if I didn’t mention you
With the bite being best during high noon and having to leave by then anyways, we loaded up early Sunday morning to make the trip back home. It is always nice to get back on the home turf but, I can honestly say I already miss the big lake.
I would like to thank the group, Denny, Ed, Eric, Jeff, Joe, Paul Sr., Paul Jr., Scott and Jim for a great time. I really like the way everyone looked out for each other
Can’t wait till next year…..if you’ll have me back
Did I ever tell you about the time………..I know, shut up
Good Luck Fishing People
Here are a few more pictures from the eventful long weekend
The weather was awesome with temperatures that allowed me to fish in a flannel shirt. The warm sun got the best of Paul Sr., just for a moment while he caught up on some shut eye
The next picture is JP Mason with the perch caught as soon as he started fishing Agate Bay Reef. We thought we were on something but that feeling went away shortly after not marking or catching another fish there
The next is a perch that fell victim to the Demon Jigging Spoon tipped with a minnow head.
The first crowd picture during the drawing for the Perch Extravaganza has Brother Joe standing front and center, to his left is Uncle Denny looking at his beer and wondering were it went

The second crowd picture has Scott in the lower left corner with Paul Sr. front and center……yep that is uncle Denny to the right looking around for who ever drank his barley
I know JP Mason took a group picture so make sure to share it Mr. Mason
I had a blast everyone, thanks for all the laughs and good memories this trip
Way to go on the personal best “iced” walleye Bret
You could have said that eye was 8 or 9 lbs and by the quality of that pic,people would have believed it!
Looks like you guys hit the weather.Fishin in a flannel shirt?Now that hurts man
Sounds and looks like the troops had a great time and I know what you mean Bret about wanting to get back there as soon as a guy can! What a phenomenal place
Awesome report and pics
It was great meeting you Bret, and the other guys in the Hunters house on saturday morning. Man, we got to Hunters late, Bobber and crew were done eating already, so no time for breakfast… Took the 5 minute ride out to your house, and seen that spread you guys had out for breakfast. I almost lost it when someone said “Anybody hungry ? Help yourself guys, there’s plenty”
Nice Walleye too, like mentioned, that thing could go for 8-9 lbs, in that pic
Hope to see you next time your up 
big g
I also want to take this opportunity to thank George and his staff for the outstanding service we received.
This is the reason we will be back next year. There wasn’t a day that went by that someone from Hunter’s Resort wasn’t checking in with us. George even made an offer to move the two (2) houses we were in on Friday morning if we wanted – now that is service. With the weather being as nice as it was, there was no reason to move the houses.
Now onto the fishing stories! As Bret and all the past reports have stated, the bite was very slow, but we were all able to ice a few fish. The Flashers and camera showed that there are fish around; the trick was trying to figure out just what they were looking at biting.
The majority of our group has been together on the annual fishing trip for the past 5-6 years, with a new addition every now and then. This year we were lucky enough to have Mr. Bret Clark and Eric join the group for the trip.
They made a great addition to the group; thanks for tagging along guys, hope you will be interested in going along next year.
The first photo is the group, (left to right) Bret, Eric, Uncle Den, JP Mason, Cousin Jeff, Paul Sr., Scott, Brother Joe, Paul, and Cousin Ed. I hope when I am 72 years old, I will be able to keep up the way Paul Sr. does.
The second photo is Eric with the normal size fish we were catching. Eric loves to fish, and like the rest of us, never has the time to get out at much as we would like, so anytime fishing is a good time.
The next two (2) photos are the crowd at the Perch Extravaganza. The weather was great, which made for a great time to meet and greet others that enjoy the outdoors.
The rest are just a few that I thought everyone would enjoy looking at. It was nice to meet Bobber and talk about fishing, family, and fun. Thanks Bobber, for taking time to meet with the group and have a few drinks.
I hope a few other from the group will add there comments. I will also throw a few more picture up. Bret, thanks for taking the time to post the trip.
I more THANK YOU to George and his staff. If anyone is interested in finding a resort that is concerned with taking care of their customers, Hunters Resort is the place to go. THanks George.

What an awesome walleye!
Here are a few more pictures of the trip.
Big G, you were welcomed to join us. That is another reason I enjoy this site. A nice way to meet new friends, next time, pull up a chair and join us.
Looks like a great time! Awesome fish too!
Oh yes we started our day with some breakfest at Hunters!!! I really was’nt in a hurry to hit the ice…as I was a little concerned with where to go! The bite had been off and on for me and many others. In talking with the group we all decided to head back to the area that we had fished last Saturday. It was a sand to mud transistion area out west of Flamingo reef in around 28 fow +-
The idea was to catch the “big one” and not worry about how many…well we did not catch many fish, but we did make the trip in and get three nice perch hung on the board that held up in the top ten places…..just up until around 15 minutes prior to 2pm!!! oh well, we got bumped down and our biggest perch ended up in 11th place. Just out of 10th place was Eric with a 1.4 oz or 1.12 hundredths!!!
The day could not have been better!!! great frends, a few cold ones…..some brats on the grill!! and three perch caught over a pound!!!
It was fun spending sometime with your group also J.P and that BreT Clark guy was alright also too!!!!
Nice walldogs guys. It was nice meeting you guys. Did you ever hear what the deal was with the snowmobile trailer with no axle? hehe
I will add a few pictures also from out at the extravaganza. I am not sure how we managed the fish we did with all the eating and bs ing going on.
Great report Bret!
Congrats to everyone on the quality fish!
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I need to get up there next year! 
Congrats on the PB Bret!! Thanks for all the pictures, I wish I could have made it to mille lacs this year.
Great walleye Bret. Glad you guys had a good time. Any chance you’ll make it to the P10 GTG w/ Jeff?
I can’t make any promises at this time but I am working on it.
I have 2 strikes against me at the time but have not struck out yet
The Clark’s have taken a hit to the wallet with a major truck repair
……..I’m waiting for the right time to spring it so I don’t get the “didn’t you just get back from a trip” speech

And the 8th is the wife’s birthday
I sure hope you can make it Bret, my wife an I are going to be there and it would be nice to meet you face to face!!

great report
I put mine under Minnesota lakes and rivers- Mille Lacs lake
reports and pixs from both of the perch contests from the 16th and 23rd contests out of Hunters
Very nice!!!
WOW !!! I almost made it in the shot. I was next to you I think …..I was next to the pinic table wearing the real ….Fox Hat with a real nice tail. …….That was a blast again there , been going to it since 2003…later