Pool 4 Last Fling before the Ring

Well, if you can’t tell from the title this will be my last outing until after I get married. I will be back in action in full force come the beginning of March. With that said I spent this last weekend with good company, Jason and David. It was a fun day on the water once again.

This weekends trip brought a few changes to the table. One of them being a small change in presentation, and the other being the consistant QUALITY of fish.

If you have followed my last two reports you can see that these fish are making small changes in were they are located and what they want to eat. This weekend proved no different once again. After starting out dragging in our normal depth of 15 feet and not catching much it was time to change things up. We slipped out to about 20 feet and started dragging 3/16 oz and 1/4 oz jig heads with Chart Pepper and Chart. Orange Core Ringworms. That combination proved to be what they were looking for. We had a mixed bag of saugers and walleyes for the day, with the saugers taking the lead on size. Our average sauger for the weekend ran 18 to 20 inches, with the biggest hitting the tape at 23". All fish over 19" were released.

The next change that I have seen over the past 2 weeks is the increased mid-day bite and the change in color preference. The brighter colors such as mentioned above produced the best results for us this weekend. Also our best blade colors have changed from black or gold to strictly firetiger. I honestly see no reasoning behind this since the water clarity is still great. It just goes to show you that you have to keep changing until the fish tell you what they want.

I see the bite, both mid-day and early and late to continue as they are, or get better. I would also look for the bigger walleyes to start showing up very slowly from here on out. The saugers that have been caught over the past few weekends are plump full of eggs, so I’m sure the walleyes will be right behind them sometime soon.

I hope everybody has a safe and enjoyable time on the river if they make it out. Be sure to save a few fish for me for when I get back.

Until next time………


  1. Eric,

    Congratulations on both counts. Here’s to a long happy life together. You guy’s are definetly on top of the fish movement. I’m still amazed at the size of those sauger.


  2. Nice fish Eric. I wish I could have made it over on sunday. I bet those fat sauger just hammered those ringies. You ever need someone to join you, or need to jump in with someone give me a shout.
    Wallster ><((((>

  3. Hey Eric you said you would be back in March “begging”, I think you meant beginning, but you are already learing about being married. It is begging sometimes to go fish!!

  4. Great report Eric, it was a very good draggin bite on Sunday. Also good to see you on Sunday. Also congrats on the big day.

  5. Quote:

    Hey Eric you said you would be back in March “begging”, I think you meant beginning, but you are already learing about being married. It is begging sometimes to go fish!!

    opps. You got what I was saying though Notice I did say I WILL be back, not I should be

    Good seeing you this weekend also Mark, and everybody else. Hope you guys leave a few fish for me when I get back. I will be thinking of you guys and of pool 4 piggies while laying on the beach having a and relaxing.

  6. nice pics gotta like catchin the eyes and sauger i know i sure do

  7. Never had a fishing adventure like that before I got married…great day of “other memories”. Enjoy the
    wedding almost as much..LOL

  8. Eric, does she like to fish? If so you will get to fish more. If she doesn’t, get her adicted to fishing FAST. Time in the boat together fishing can be fun.

    Thanks, Bill

  9. Congrats Eric! Wish you two the best.

    Thanks for the report. I made it down there last Sunday for a couple hours in the afternoon. It was my first trip to Red Wing since the show James and I did back in April 07. I was clearly overdue and the saugers did not disappoint!

  10. Great report Eric!
    Do yourself a favor and take a few practice casts once that wedding ring is on. Back in Chiropractic school, a buddy and mine were fishing catfish while wading in the middle of the Rock river–needless to say, the first cast there went his ring. We fished the rest of the day as he really did not want to go home too bad.



  11. 20-22′ was key for me too, Eric. I did well (Sat PM only) with standard colors, but the chart. tail baits did best. Maybe I should have taken the hint and gone with brighter stuff to get even more fish! Biggest for me was 21″ or so.

    Good luck with the wedding thing. I hope she is really understanding or likes to fish … or you might be in trouble!

  12. Quote:

    Congrats Eric! Wish you two the best.

    Thanks for the report. I made it down there last Sunday for a couple hours in the afternoon. It was my first trip to Red Wing since the show James and I did back in April 07. I was clearly overdue and the saugers did not disappoint!

    Some little birdy told me that you were out and about. By the sounds of it you havent lost your touch either. To bad I missed ya this time, but maybe next time we can stop and chat.


    Glad your last fling was a good one Eric!!

    See ya on the big day, we bought a new tie for Riley

    Just dont let riley out dress you. You might have to watch him pretty close though, the girls may be after him if he is that dressed up Cant wait to see you guys again.

    Thank you to all for the congrats. I’m sure I will have some pictures to share when I get back.

  13. Welcome to IDO bzeiher! I can assure you that keeping a few “eater” fish in the 15-20″ range is not going to hurt the pool 4 fishery.

  14. Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors bzeiher!!!

    If you go back and read Eric’s report you will see that all fish over 19″ were released. suckerslayer is absolutely right keeping a few eaters in the 15″ to 19″ range is not going to hurt pool 4.

  15. Great post Eric and congrats! Kudos to you and your fishing buddies for releasing the big ones. Enjoy your wedding day!

  16. Eric nice fish, You will have a new fish friend with you new bride. You both can enjoy the outdoors. Thats what I have now with my wife. As long as fish bite she is happy to join me anytime.

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