What a perfect day for a Kids Clinic!
Randy and crew were ready to go this morning. Each of the kids received an ice rod complete with spring bobber and an ice fly…along with those nifty little bait pucks filled with waxies.
Well, it’s an “on the ice classroom” for kids that have never ice fished before. A number of kids I spoke with had never fished before ever.
The StrikeMaster Company took it upon themselves to reach out to groups and give them a chance to enjoy one of Minnesota treasures, ice fishing.
Some of the things that we take for granted these kids have never seen before. While I was getting my house ready, I could hear the glee from a youngster who was offered a chance to run an auger. I smiled to myself.
IDO member Corey Bechtold was having a good time talking with the kids on how to put a wax worm on a hook and taking fish off hooks. There were a lot of smiles around those holes today Corey!
My three man portable became the warming house today. With the slight wind, it was a bit chilly out there for he kids.
This photo is of one chilled fisherman, just after pulling up his 6th fish of the day. He had the system down pat…watch the lure on the camera, when the sunnie sucked in the bait he raised the rod and another fish was iced. This fella release all of his fish.
IDO member Jbob had the house to be in!
Not only were they pulling in fish, but if your tennis shoes became wet and your feet were cold…Jbob’s house was the place to be! The heater was just a head of the white socks warming the chilly dogs.
Randy, this is a great idea that you have here. Let’s keep it going. Count me in for next year too! To the rest of the guys that came to help out…my hat’s off to you.
Very nice read.
Great job everyone

Another well thought out plan by Strikemaster, getting the young kids involved in fishing …
Looks like a fun time. Way to go StrikeMaster.
Here’s a few more photos of todays event.
1st pic is of Tom Roering of Wilcraft. Tom was elected to be the bus company for the day. Thanks for helping out Tom!
2nd pic. Here’s a couple guys in red tying on the ice flys.
I’m not sure who donated the rods, the lures and the bait. Maybe someone that knows can post.
Thanks for reporting the clinic Brian!!
to Strikemaster & all who made this a special day for the kids!!
Great to get the kids involved!
Looks like a great event.
Great job to everyone involved with this kids fishing clinic.

From those that donated their time to help, to Strikemaster, to those that donated the equipment and to everyone that did all the behind the scenes organization: THANK YOU
You guys have the future of our sport in every one’s best interest.
Thanks Again,
Hats off to Strikemaster and all of the volunteers

Kids laughing,smiling and learning,that’s where it’s at.
Nice! What fun for all those kids, and adults too.
Kudo’s to all the adults and Strike Master!
nice read. its great to get lil kids involved on the ice
strikemaster and the helpers
Awesome job..

its great seeing the kids getting involved
Awesome idea guys. I would love to help out at one of these events. I love to get people involved and especially kids. let me know if there are any upcoming events
A good time was had by all who attened. This was most of the kids first time ever ice fishing. You tell by the way some of them were dressed.
big g
A big
to all involved. What a great idea

Congrats and Thanks to ALL involved.
Thanks, Bill
Any way to get on a list to volunteer for the next event. My kids love to fish and I’d like to help out anybody taking kids fishing
I too would be willing to help in any way!
You just put yourself on the list for next year.
I’ll pull this thread up once I have a date…and go from there…
Thanks guys!