The bull Gills are still biting on lake Zumbro, fishing small jigs tipped with waxies still seem to be hookin fish.
This gill fell to a diamond jig fished a foot off the bottom in 24 fow.
I’ve also gotten into some crappies in the same areas fishing Gill Pills, Diamond jigs & bunch of others too. I iced these two when I was out cheching other holes I’d drill eariler in the day. They were sitting up about 3 to 4 ft off the bottom & chased when the lure got close. ( Ya got to like that)
I ran into a guy at the landing that was going to walk all the way to the high banks area to fish. Now I’m solo, so I said hook up to my wheeler & get on. Here’s Richard from roch with a crappie he got just after he got set up. It was nice fishin with ya Richard!
On friday mornin I hooked up with my brother & Dad to search a new spot that had givin up some nice gills in the past. This area has deep mud & there were a few fish in this area to be caught. When you had fish that wouldn’t hit the bait, my tip to you is to mud your jig a little & raise it up slowly.(bounce your bait on the bottom to make a little cloud) When you could get one to chase it, they were really smackin it. All in all it was a great day on the ice & it was nice running into John Stears out on the lake who chatted for awhile before he left.
Great report Doug.
Looks like fun. 
Great report Doug! The fishing was a little slow today for our contest, but some good fish were caught.
Nice to hear the bit is still there. Nice slap in the hole=fish sandwich.
Great photo “in the hole gill”
to me, that is what ice-fishing is all about……you never really know what you have till you get it to that point, and when you see a nice sized fish like that one, it’s all worth it!
great report, awesome photo!
Great report and pics Doug.
Nice report Doug

That was a nice thing in giving Richard a hitch,ice fisherman are cool that way
Good to meet you and a great report! Your picture of the gill in the hole is great. It really shows the subtle, almost pastel colors those deep Zumbro gills adapt.
Dude ,your killing me.

I wish I was down there with ya,the bite up here has been tough,went to forest lake yesterday but only got some small perch.
The graph has been lighting up all day but the fish are tight mouthed.
Keep up the good work Doug.
Great to see you back in action bud. Thanks for the report and pics.
Thanks, Bill
Nice Fish
that must be a 12 inch hole with that bluegill in it…. 
Thanks for the report Doug I have got to get down there and try it out.