Clear Lake IA Walleyes and more

I finally made it out on ice Sat nite and Sunday the fishing was tuff but me and good friend Rich were able to ice a few. The weather was foggy but warm and the bite window was short this evening.But a evening on the ice with a good friend is a fun winter outing.

We were fishing the west end of the lake in 9 1/2 ft of water.This area had been producing quite a few walleye the last couple week’s must have counted at least 15 other vehicles in the same area. Our walleye came on a fathead and plain hook fished 4 in off bottom under a slip bobber.I lost another decent fish on a green buckshot spoon and minnow head.In talking to some friends both these rigs have been working.

Even though the walleye could have been more cooperative the yellows put a few more fish in the bag.The yellows came on the buckshot rig and on a swedish pimple tipped with a waxie with the buckshot producing just a little better.Even though we did not get many yellows the size was awesome.We ended our trip with 4 yellows and one 17 in eye and a 8 in perch.Not good fishing by any means but not skunked either.We talked to a couple other anglers leaving ice that had about the same results.And one angler a couple hundred yards from us that had about a 2/3 bucket of yellows.The lessoned learned was that if you are over fish in this small bite window you are going to catch fish.Hopefully my next outing the bite will last longer and I will drill that right hole.

My last picture Sunday mourning shows nothing and thats just what I saw.The fog was so thick that a 100 yards at times was all you could see.I found two guys lost in fog that I had to point the direction of parking lot.To sum up the fishing its been on and off with ussually a few fish to show even on the bad days.If you happen to be on fish when they decide to go you are going to be busy.I talked to a friend that came off ice Sunday nite that had a limit of 15in eyes and some nice yellows fishing the same area that I fished Sat.Hopefully the fog will let up and I can get on ice again this week.


  1. The fish you are referring to as stripers are actually yellow bass.The fish in the picture are about a foot in length.And is about trophy size for this specie. When they are over 9in they are considered excellent table fare. I compare them to perch on the table

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