Chisago 12.30.2007

I mentioned to a co worker Peter Tveitbakk, that I was looking forward to some gill action this weekend. He said that his partner, Vanessa Koprek had never been on the ice fishing and that he would like to get back out there too. So Saturday was the day.

It was only my second time out this year, last Saturday being the first. I didn’t have all the bugs worked out of my little system. It’s funny how much a person forgets over the course of a year…Things like, positioning the portable the right direction. Seems like after I drill my holes I realize the door is facing into the wind.

Having enough 1 lbs propane tanks along. Two should be enough, but when the first one runs out darn near right away the second one doesn’t seem to last very long.

We could have picked up more propane at Mike’s Bait on 8 just outside of Forrest Lake, but we grabbed the wax worms and out the door we went!

BUT this little things are trivial.

"Big Red" the butter drill made quick work of the 5 holes in 11 inches of ice and Vanessa had her first fish on in no time.

The gills were at times snapping as fast as the lines were going down. This was one of the few times I’ve been ice fishing that we didn’t need to use the Marcum and the Reel Weeds didn’t make a difference. Yes, we did do a lot of sorting, but there’s nothing that will make a young lady lose interest faster than no action!

Here’s Peter’s biggest fish of the day. He kept begging for me to take his picture with it…<sigh>

Ok…Peter did catch bigger ones. But Vanessa had the largest gill that were running 3 to a pound (and the most).

We were using the secret purple bait made by Custom Jigs and Spins, but to be honest, anything (small) with a wax worm on it would get bit I’m sure.

This area would be a great place to take your kids. Plenty of consistent action. Not too far to walk and the only real thing to worry about is the kids keeping too many small fish. I’m sure that between the three of us we hooked into over 100 sunnies between 8 and noon.

The surprise (for me) of the day was while Peter and I were cleaning the fish, Vanessa jumped in and not only helped scale, but started to fillet them too! I darn near went to get the Favorite Wife…but knew better because I had scales on my cloths.

Thanks for coming along fishing with me you two! Now you know to bring higher boots in the future when fishing with me!

For all of you folks that want to try ice fishing for the first time, here’s great lake and bite fast for the newbie ice fishing person or to get the kids interested.

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. Looks like some fun BK. Let me know when you want to get out to Zumbro again and we’ll get you on some larger fish.

  2. Vanessa and I would both like to thank you the wonderful time ice fishing. It was a day of firsts for Vanessa and she had a blast catching the fish and cleaning. It is something we will be able to do together from now on. Next time I’ll have to bring the kids to they had fun looking at the pictures. Thanks again Brian.

  3. No no…Thank YOU! I would have otherwise been watching golf on TV or something.

    Hopefully Vanessa’s hair is back to normal…mine isn’t.

  4. Golf??? Thats for people who don’t fish. Thanks for the report Brian. Great to see you catchin something besides cats. [did I say that? ] Couldn’t resist bud. Glad to see you out ice fishin.
    Thanks, Bill

  5. I hope that wasn’t your truck being pulled from the bottom! Great report, looks like another one is “hooked”

  6. Just barely 3 to a pound Al.

    I had to make a choice…I knew of two lakes that were putting out larger gills…but at a much slower rate. I chose Chisago because of the faster action…but smaller fish.

    I certainly didn’t want a first time ice fisher to start painting his nails…while Vanessa and I talked fishing.

    Peter might hurt me for that one.

  7. Brian I would have painted my nails but you wouldn’t let me use any of you polish you said and I quote “that color just does not work for you”. Did not know you were a fashion expert too!

    Thanks again for th fun day of fishing.

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