What a great day to chase panfish on the Zumbro. Temps in the 30’s, Fish on the locator, And can you say “Bobbers down”!! These two fell to a New Gill Pill I had just picked up from Hooked on Fishing in Rochester. Thanks MIKE!!!
I took the wheeler today cause I just Can’t walk that far with my back still givin me trouble. Please stay on the paths or main trails if ya take wheelers or sleds on the lake. The Ice was 4.5 to 5 in. where I was fishing today. Plenty for foot travel, But I would like another inch or so for my wheeler to be out there again.
Now to the fishin. I was workin different depths until I got into some fish & that was 22 to 24 fow today. Sunfish were tight to the bottom & crappies were 3-4 ft off the bottom.
The last fish of the day for me I thought was going to be a BK special. (Catfish) Taking out line, making me wonder if I was going to see this fish. After an awesome fight on 2lb test, up came this toothy critter.
Be Safe out There!! Live to fish another day!
Great report Doug

It’s good to see you out and getting some fishing in
Nice lookin’ pannies
I’m sure you had fun with the pike, they sure put a good test on the light equipment making there runs away from the hole
Great report Doug! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the day!
Great report and I hope the back keeps getting better
Nice report Doug. Looks like you got some nice fish out there.
Looks like a great day

Nice report Doug,we will have to get some fishing in when I get down there this week.
Maybe get a plan for you to come up here and we can hit Mille Lacs or Knife. 
Good job Doug .
Looks like you had fun ,was there ahy slush on the ice with todays warm temps ?
Great report Doug! How do you like the gill pills?
Nice report Doug

Zumbro sounds like it has a healthy panfish population
Thanks for the report!
where is this lake zumboro ?
Luke, I really like the Gill Pill. I will be fishin them a lot!!
The top layer was gettin melted pretty good yesterday. Saw some puddles forming in some low areas. 
Lake Zumbro is just north of Roch, Stop in at Hooked on fishing & talk with Mike. He will get you there. Just take hwy 63 North out of Roch, HOF will be on the right side Out a couple miles. Again be safe out there!!
Bad backs and ice are not good company at all…..speaking from experience here.
Great report. Nice fish too. That area where you shot your pics has been good already.
What color of pill did you use. The glow red, orange over yellow and purple over gold have been great colors for me right in that general location. The white ultra glow turned some heads on one trip too.
I haven’t heard much from your fishing since last spring at Fisherman’s get to gether. Take care of that back and if you are on foot wear the creepers. A fall will spoil your life. Again, from experience.
Good to hear the back is cooperating enough to get out Doug.
Nice fish!
ct. Was orange over yellow/purple.

You haven’t heard much from me Cause I’ve been off the water(soft&hard) Till yesterday. Been dealing with low back pain Everyday For over a year now. After 11 shots into my spine I can now walk 50yds without pain. So walks out onto CW is out of the ?. As soon as the doc gets my pain under control you will be hearing from me a lot!
Thanks Dean, Was going to come down Friday But the panfish were calling me BAD
Great report and nice fish Doug. Glad to see you’re able to get out!
Nice crappies Doug. Great to see you able to get back on the lake. Back pain can really goof up a guys life. I have a neck flare up thats finally calming down so hope to be out in another week some. Got everything ready, stocked up on some gill pills, diamond jigs, genz worms, and nuggies along with waxies and red spikes from HOF so biting at the bit so to speak. I dropped of some more ”Ultimate Panfish Leaque” flyers at HOF this afternoon which has the schedule of events on it. Hope to see you at a few.
Thanks, Bill
Thanks Andy, come up & fish if ya get the chance. Drop me a pm.
Bill, I’m hoping to make a few. Will have to get a copy.
Great report Doug. Good to see that your back isn’t able to keep you away from your passion of fishing.
It’s keeping me from alot! But just got to get out & Get some fishin in.
Merry X-Mas