I’ve been waiting to get back out on Lake Zumbro and today was the day. There is about 6-8 inches of ice in the places I checked today, and it appears that foot traffic is a good idea yet. There are some snowmobiles and wheelers out there as well, but they are staying on established trails.
I set up in 20 FOW after drilling several holes to hop around. The fish were a bit tentative and the bite was very light, but you could talk some of them into biting. I started out fishing a mini-mite and was able to see several fish take a good look at it, but never detected a bite. I thought smaller might be better, so switched to a ratso tipped with a red spike, and immediately started getting bit.
The fish were fairly tight to the bottom with the majority of bites coming in the bottom 1-2 ft. There were a lot of river shiners interested in the bait and you could say they were pesky. Once they started picking at the bait it was time to move to a different hole.
I also had good success on a Custom Jigs Diamond jig tipped with a red spike. Purple and gold were good colors. It was great to be back out on the Zum! The fish are still there and can be caught even on a bit tougher day like today. Hope you get a chance to get out real soon!
Let me know when they are cooked and cleaned!
Thanks for the report!!
Thanks for the report.
Plan to be on Zumbro this weekend see ya soon Mike!
Great report Mike.
I tried that combo last Sunday with poor results.
The sunfish I was chasing wanted nothing to do with that red spike. A Diamond Jig with a waxie…? Now that’s a different story. They were all over that like white on rice. 
Thanks again Mike!
Thanks for the info Tom
Great to hear the lake is getting some decent ice. Lake Zumbro has always been the last body of water in the area for thicker ice due to the current from the river running through it. And nice to see some crappies too.
Thanks, Bill
Good Report Mike.
Tom, that’s interesting. I was smokin’ the gills and crappies last weekend on a gill pill tipped with 2 red spikes. Waxies were doing fine, but the spikes last about 20 times longer