Mille Lacs Lake Mud Flats report 12-12-07

This afternoon I made my first trip out to the mud!! While having coffee this morning I was trying to decide what flat to head out to. Well my first stop was a winner!!! I had my first holes drilled by 12:15pm and my first mud flat walleye by 12:30pm!! Not a bad start I thought!!

I started drilling just off the downside of the flat and continued on up on top of the flat. The first fish came in a hole that was just on top in 26 fow. I continued to catch a number of fish before moving on top a bit more. The fish seemed to be pretty active on this bright sunny day we had today. I caught my fish today on a 1/8oz. go-devil in the orange/yellow color!!

The perch were active also, coloring the bottom of my MarCum at times. I did not have any biters only some small nibblers!!! Once the walleye came into sight, off went the perch. The walleye ran from 17 inches up to my biggest that went 24 inches or so. I came off the lake early this afternoon since this was my first trip out and I wanted to get home before dark.

I did run across a couple of slushy spots out around 3 miles or so. Now that I have made a track out through it, the slush will freeze tonite and be ok tomorrow. The area around the flat I was fishing had a few holes drilled on it already from the other day. The weight of the snow out in this area had caused the top of the flat to flood a little. I know I was carefull as to where I parked my snowmobile to not allow it to freeze the track up. That is one concern you need to have with the use of a snowmobile. Nothing worst than a frozen track out in the middle of Mille Lacs Lake. I did notice a group south of where I was this afternoon. So there are others making their way out to the mud. The ice depth on the flat I was fishing measured 11-12 inches. This area had more ice than the area I had been fishing closer to shore. What this just tells me is how much variation we have with our ice thickness. You need to be carefull out there and check with the resort prior to making you drive out. Hunters Point now has a staked path out to the Boot Flat from Hunters. Once this gets some traffic on it and it gets packed down it will make a better ride out for this distance to be traveled.

That’s my Mud Flat update for today.

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. Bob

    Thanks for the great report. Now I know for sure I wont sleep.
    I should be there tommorow by 1pm just in time for the afternoon/evening bite..

    1 question where you tipping with a minnow head and if so fathead or rainbow,

    Thank You


  2. Becarefull out there tommorrow…the wind is going to be blowing big time…….

    I hope it blows some of the snow off the lake? but than it will blow into my yard here on shore!!!

  3. Great report Bobber! Sounds like you did very good for being your first ice trip out to the mud.

  4. Great! I know where I will be this weekend, and for the guys that are coming with me it will be their first time to the mud. I cant wait. Thanks for the report Bob. Are you gonna be out there this weekend?

  5. Thin-ice, yep I’ll be out!! I’ll maybe see at Hunters in the early morning!!! before we head out on the ice.
    good luck….

  6. Thank for the update, I’ll be up on Saturday. Have you seen any small cars or truck out on the lake yet?

  7. help,…sorry to ask but I am coming over from cloquet..where should I get on the ICE with my wheeler????????

  8. I have been accessing the lake from Hunters Point. They have staked roads on the lake!!

    I just got in from fishing today. The walleyes bit pretty good when the sun was out I caught my four fish in pretty short order today during the late morning time frame. Not big slots!! 14-16 inches Good eaters!!
    I had to go up to a 1/4 oz yellow and orange go-devil today! They would not bite on the 1/8oz???

  9. Quote:

    I had to go up to a 1/4 oz yellow and orange go-devil today! They would not bite on the 1/8oz???

    I should have tried that

    We struggled on Sunday. Although it seemed every hole had lookers.

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