Pool 4 Mon 12/3/07

This past weekend was the last Outing of the year for my fishing club, Minnesota Valley In-Fisherman Club. With forecasted heavy snow for Saturday, I changed my outing day for Monday, however I could not find a partner to attend with me. AFter much delay and consternation during the morning, I decided I had nothing to lose but a few degrees of core body temperature and left for Pool 4.

Friends from the club, Roger and Jeff, I knew would be on the river very early, and were the only other boat scheduled for Monday.

I arrived at Evert’s at about 1pm with my boat, and the whole shoreline had ice up against the shoreline and ramps, and knew launching by myself would be almost impossible (Dean was also not around and probably down town). I called Roger on the phone, and they were having good luck up by the dam and offered to come down and pick me up. I was happy to accept their offer and ride for the afternoon.

Roger and Jeff each had Club limits during the morning and were only going to fish for probably only a couple more hours trying to upgrade. We headed back up to the dam for more jigging.

The first picture is Jeff with his nicest Sauger of the day, a terrific 20 incher that anchored his nice limit.

They said during the afternoon that the bite was better during the morning, but overall the fishing was pretty steady. The baits that we were using were Paddletails, and Ringworms, with the best colors being Firecracker/Char, Char/Pepp, and Catulpa. I prefer jigs that are 3/8 oz so I have no problem feeling the bottom in deeper water, even if we are not quite vertical.

This next pic is Jeff with a plump 19 inch Sauger.

My last 2 fish were both 19 inches, that finished a decent limit for me with only 3 1/2 hours on the water. One hit on a Firecracker/Char Paddletail, and the second 19 hit a Stewart’s ProBlue PT. I was so intent on getting both these nicer fish back into the water, that I forgot to get a pic of either one.

Thank-you, Roger and Jeff, for allowing me to tag along with you two for the afternoon. It was cold, but fun and enjoyable.

When we returned to the ramps late afternoon, MOST of the ice had moved down river and was not a problem at all.

If anyone is still looking to get out this December, you will not be disappointed. The bite DOES remain pretty strong, and quality fish should be expected, NOT necessarily hoped for.

The ramps are in GREAT shape and you can easily see all the work Dean puts into the grounds and ramps.

DO REMEMBER to drain your trailers when pulling out.

Release of female Sauger 18 inches and over is encouraged to help maintain our great fishery. There are numbers of 16 and 17 inch males for a quality meal.

Hope everyone has a Great Christmas and Holiday season this year, and HOPE to see you on the water.




  1. Quote:

    Release of female Sauger 18 inches and over is encouraged to help maintain our great fishery. There are numbers of 16 and 17 inch males for a quality meal.

    Great report and sage advice Jack…We try to release(obvious) pot bellied girls over 18″. Last trip (Oct/Nov) we set 16-18″ as our “eater” limit…I was happy to see egg sacs in only a few of the Sauger that were filleted…

  2. Thanks for the report Jack. Im all ready thinking about heading to Everts to get my open water fix. Did you mention in your report what the temps where on that day?

  3. John B & myself braved a few hours today in the storm.There was only one other boat out today and the bite is amazingly consistant with the fronts coming and going as of late.

    John fished with orange bucktails and I chose oystershell and pro-blue paddletails and at the end of the day purple was the color of choice.The bites ranged from just feeling some weight to the un mistakable thump!

    No monsters this afternoon but fun none the less!Thanks for a great afternoon John!

  4. Mike,
    The water temps were 36, and I believe the afternoon highs were maybe 16 to 18. Roger said that the ride over in the morning, he had at one time – (minus) 4.
    Am glad I was NOT TOO eager to get there early.

  5. I’ve only been away for two weeks and I’ve already got the shakes…..BBBBAAAAAADDDDD.

    One of the MANY great things about Everts is that Dean keeps those ramps open every day….snow or no snow, cold or warm, a guy can get his open water fix ANY day, EVERY day at Everts.

  6. 4 guys just left with their limits after only 3 hrs of fishing Firecracker/chart ringies were the ticket today.I guess the fish dont know it is winter

  7. Thanks for the report Jack. Those B-Fish-N Plastics seem to catch fish no matter what the weather is outside.
    Thanks, Bill

  8. Jack – you are the only honest reporter I personally know. As always, you are more than welcome to join me it the boat anytime!!


  9. Quote:

    you are the only honest reporter I personally know


    You either have to get ON this great site MORE OFTEN…

    OR get yourself back down to the river again, soon.
    OR BOTH…
    See you Tuesday.

  10. Been a pleasure fishing with you Dean. Even though the weather’s been a bit testy the fish still seem to jump in the boat!


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