This report is from a couple of weeks ago. Not to sure if much of the info is of much use now. The last few weeks the cold weather has set in and last I heard pool 2 is freezing over. Non the less right before that Pool 2 was shaping up for some good walleye fishing with some trips being fair and others being nothing short of fantastic.
Pitching BfishN tackle plastics and jigs is still my main stay for walleyes on pool 2. Adding Paddle Tails to the bag of tricks has been about the only thing that has changed. On some of the slower night cutting the plastics in half was what was needed to stop the short bites and missed fish. Seemed to me those short nights where one with some type of moon visible.
Throwing these plastics at wing dams is a common practice for finding hungry walleyes on the river. This photo is a good example of what a wing dam looks like on the surface in a mild south wind. A south wind can really make them stick out. Keep in mind not all fish are hanging right on the wing dam. Make sure to look at any rock piles, current breaks or other structures near those wing dams. You never know where the fish may be hanging.
One constant problem with pitching jigs to rocks in the river is hang ups and broken lines. One thing I have learned in the last few years is that to much bottom contact with the jig is not only bad for hang ups but also a lot of times not what the walleyes want. Getting a light enough jig so that it is drifting right above the rock but still close enough to be in the zone can really up your catch rate and save on tackle. Playing around with jig weights with help with this.
Usually i would end my report with wishing those that are getting out good luck. Not sure what to end this one with. May be "see you on the ice".
Maybe you should have ended the report with “You should have been there two weeks ago!”
Mike we don’t even have 30’s in the forecast! You’re just being mean!
Still a nice report!

Sorry Joel. Had a little spare time today and with no place to put the boat in figured I might as well put a report up. The last few years it has been no problem fishing well into December and even January. What happened this year?
Global Warming
I know Mike it doesn’t look good. Once you get a cover of snow it gets real difficult for that weak Deceber sun to warm things up. This might be the year to get re-acquainted with….
Nice one Andy! Global warming is the answer to all environmental questions even if its colder than ‘el
Anyone know any barge captains on pool 2? A quick run threw that ice would take care of it. As far as temps go Im all for global warming also.
Here are some photos from last year. Think they where taken right around this date. The river did open up after this. There was a good 3 to 4 inches in the main channel north of 494.
Opps. guess that last one is what I was doing while waiting for the river to open up. That photo is not from on the river.
I”m glad your getting some fish Mike, I only made it down there twice, when the water was up for awhile I got a few but nothing big. The second time I saw you down there but I had to pack up and head up north deer hunting, that day I didn’t get a hit.All I have been doing lately is pheasant hunting, see you in the spring.
Say it ain’t so Joel!!!
C’mon guys…Keep your chins up!!!
We’re going to get another shot at it.
I agree. This cold/snow in early December has happened each of the last two years, only to give way to warm winters. I know cause two years ago I bought an ice shack in early December and then last year I bought a Vex. I used each maybe 2-3 times with the warm temps thereafter. I sold them this year and put a color GPS/Sonar combo on the boat.
Being 35 minutes from Everts and with a boat ready to go, I’m out on the ice fishing stuff and ready for some winter open water fishing.
Thanks for the memories of better days, Mike! We got some good fish out there.
Two points:
1) Mike makes a great point when he mentions exploring all the smaller pieces of structure.
2) We’re just a short warm front away from open water again! I keep my spud bar in the pickup toolbox for clearing the landing. I can hardly wait to get that chance.
Thanks for the report, pics, and tips!
It’s good to get encouragement to try things around the wing dams. I know fish are caught elsewhere, but I tend to get hung up on only fishing the dams.
I know we will get some warm weather and some shots to get out there. But the last few years we’ve had week after week of warm wimpy weather. And as much as I’d like to see it happen again, I have a bad feeling we are gonna get a real winter this year. Hope I am wrong!
But if I’m right ice-fishing isn’t all bad. I usually stay warmer doing that then I do sitting in a boat….. Don’t catch as many fish. They aren’t as nice sized. Its not as much fun…………. Crap! I hope it warms up soon.
Nice Fish Guys
Way to Go 
Good-looking fish. Great color!