What is the hot bait? That is probably the most frequent question that I am asked here on Pool # 4……right after, are they biting? LOL!!!With the water temp finally breaking the 50 mark the bite is nothing short of awesome for most.Steve is shown here with a bucktail eye,Congrats Steve!
The great thing about this time of year and the current bite is you can pretty much catch these fish with just about any presentation now.For nearly 3 weeks previous,if you didnt have minnows,chances were you were not going to do well.That has finally changed in the past few days.Here is a shot of a blade bait double.It was fun fishing with you Bud!
Vandy is shown here with a late day ringworm double,pitching the rocks on a current seam.Man do those fish ever smack the ringie and k-grubs when you get the right jig weight and drift…they just cant resist it!
For you trollers,3-way set-ups with floating raps have really been producing awesome numbers as well!This method can be a bunch of fun putting good numbers to the boat.
So the next time you ask what the hot bait is……my answer just might be….”everything”! Enjoy this awesome bite everyone!
A few more fish pics to share….. it is amazing, the condition and numbers of these fish here on Pool #4!

Very nice to hear Dean!!! Thanks
Dean I miss you terribly!
Well, actually I mean I would love to see you for a couple of minutes before launching and after loading.
I’ve got no time for a pool 4 trip.
But fortunately for my sanity I’m getting out on short pool 2 trips. Hoping to see you this weekend sir!

Dean , I will be coming up your way the 20 of november are the public ramps in Red wing generaly iced up by then . If so is your ramp the only game in town ? Is the pitching bite still going strong that late in november? Any info would be a great help. Thanks.
No minnows needed, it’s time for us bass guys to show up.
Anything can happen weather-wise….but I would fully anticpate the other ramps to be open and useable then.The pitching bite according to my crystal ball says….Yes,there will be a pitching bite on Nov 20th!
….J/K…..A great time of year to pitch jigs!
The smallies await your presence Mr Riverfan !
Dean, So your saying the ramps are open and the fish are biting
. I wont be over this weekend, Heading to kansas pheasant hunting, but you can be I’ll see you the next weekend. 
Wallster ><((((>
Hey Dean they were hitting the plastics pretty good wouldn’t ya say

See ya next weekend.
Hope you got worms and grubs
Save a rental boat for me!!
Great report Dean.
It is nice to finally hear that minnows are not required anymore to produce fish. I must have dumped 4 or 5 stinky buckets out over the minnow crave. I havent been able to get out for 2 1/2 weeks due being sick enough not to fish but am hopefull to be out there lighting up this weekend. Thank you for the report Dean hopefully I will be able to see you on the water soon.
This time of year, I envy those retired guys.
If I was retired, I might have enough time to fish at all the great places on the Mississippi river.
Nice report Dean!
Last Friday was a rough day as far as bite goes but I did see a preference for plastics. Water temps are getting right and the need for live bait should be over for the winter. Current is getting manageable and the vertical jigging bite is starting to go too. If current keeps going down the dragging bite should kick in too. Ya gotta love this time of year. On a side note, the paddletails were working quite well for vertical jigging—firecracker/chart. tail and catalpa were the best last Friday. This weekend is South Dakota deer but I am going to sneek away one of these days and come see you Dean.
Excellent report Dean
I’m SOOOOOOO looking forward to “Man-Week” the week of Thanksgiving.
I’ll be down to visit ya three straight days (Mon-Wed). In the meantime, I’m going to have to settly for quickie P2 and P3 trips with the boys. If I don’t put a quick fish in the boat’s livewell to keep the boys occupied, it becomes a challenge staying on the water long enough to get the pattern together.
See you not soon enough!!!
I would say that Deans ramps are ”THE BEST” cause they come with free fishing info so you can have the best time on the water catching fish. After all, isn’t that why you come to the river? So why spend your day looking in the wrong places for fish when Dean can point you in the right direction for catching fish. Sounds like the ”BEST” ramp deal on pool 4 if you ask me.

Thanks, Bill
Good to see ya off the dock for a change Deano!
I’ll see you early on the 23rd!
Those are some nice eyes guys