With the cold front coming through on Sun. the 31, the fishing was a little slower than the week before. We did manage a mixed bag of fish and had lots of fun. Here is Sean Lyons with a nice walleye that was let go to fight again.
We caught walleys, bass, catfish, ect. but the fun fish of the day was this 11 lb. buffalo that inhaled Sean’s crankbait. I was pleased that Sean got the big fish today as he is off to Iraq on Tue. Sept. 2 to fight for freedom. I couldn’t be more proud of him!
Sean’s heading back?! We’ll be praying for that young lad’s safe return.
OK… fishing stuff. How deep yo ufishing, what kind of plugs you pulling and are there any colors working better than others? I know beans about the Cedar that far south. I grew up fishing it in Austin MN and we didn’t have enough water to have any walleyes. Thanks in advance buddy!
Pulling #4 and #5 Shadraps mostly. Silver and crawdad pattern worked best. We were fishing off rock shorelines with sand and access to deeper water. Caught most of the fish in 4 – 6 ft. of water. Thats about all you can find in the Cedar right now. Hard getting around. Have to get out and pull the boat now and then.
Well you guys are getting some mighty nice fish from that little trickle of water you’re fishing. Pretty impressive actually. You guys getting pretty good numbers too?
Thanks for putting up with all my questions.
I’ll answer for BFD, as he seems to have become mute. :whistling. A week ago when it was 95 degrees and sunny,we had great numbers. This past Sun. with very pleasant fishing conditions, numbers were down….way down. Even the cats were off the bite, but with alot of work and searching we did manage a couple of nice eyes.
Incidently, a party at the ramp didn’t believe we had any eyes…let alone a 22 incher that Sean released. Hope they see Steves report
Hereis a pic of Steve with one of our Sunday walleye.