Well I was able to sneak away to the pond at the last minute Friday night before my hunting adventures this past weekend. My buddy Curt and I got on the water around 8:15 pm and wanted to try a few new areas. Well that would prove to be a mistake as fish were slow coming to the boat in these areas. We really ground out a few spots and caught fish, but not to the pace of our liking. I again tried some proven rock spots in the past that still did not kick out numbers or size for me.
Some things changed greatly since last time I was on this part of the lake 2 weeks ago. The majority of the weeds had laid down and changed my plan of attack. Typically I was fishing 4-8 fow on the inside, outside and directly in the middle of the weeds. Well those weeds were not so prevalent anymore. Another thing that changed from 2 weeks ago was the water temp as now my Lowrance was telling me 52 degrees in lieu of the 60 degrees prior. Another thing that changed was I was not finding the fish schooled up along that 4-8 fow water like before. The other thing different from years past was the crowd or lack of. I’m not sure why but I’m not seeing near the crowds fishing this Fall bite. To tell you the truth, that does not bother me one bit.
If everyone else wants to go some where else and catch 16” fish for the pan, I will handle the duties of wrestling with the Mongo Fat mid to upper 20’s” fish any day.
After some adjustments the pattern I found that worked for me was working some different areas a little deeper in the 9-10 fow range where the weeds were still upright. This area was very close to where I found fish 2 weeks prior. It did not take a minute or 2 to find out this was a good move as the drag on my Shimano Tekota started to sing and my rod doubled over.
Well this was a short little run, but we found the pot of gold as fish after fish were coming to the boat. At this time the moon was gone and it was a steady does of Lazer Craw and Black & Gold. There was another boat in the vicinity that would circle us and try to figure out why the flash of our camera kept going off, but I do not think they were getting bit like we were. Another thing different in this area was the bait fish seemed to have shown up in force. That just solidifies what the next week or 2 is going to be like in my mind. Find the fish and pattern, you will be rewarded greatly.
As far as what worked for us on Friday night. Slow speeds in the neighbor hood of 1.2-1.3 mph with the usual S turns mixed in. Again I see many people cruising by me way to fast. Slow down people.
It seemed that stopping the bait or stopping the bait and surging it forward got most of the bites. Our best depth was 9-10 fow in the weeds, although we caught fish in 4-10 feet in rocks, weed and sand, but the action was definitely slower in those areas for our boat Friday. Colors changed through out the evening. It started out dark profile baits (reds, blacks, burnt oranges, etc) then for a brief while the moon poked out from behind the clouds and we saw Clown and Tennessee Shad shine through. Then moon set around midnight and the color went back to the dark profiles and in particular the Lazer Craw Rogue and Black and Gold ( Root Beer is what I call it
) Rogue and Husky Jerk. These next 2 weeks should be the best bite of the Fall, so get out there and drop da
on some of dem fat bottom girls!
OH, yeah don’t blink other wise the best 45 days of the year will pas you by! We are already 2 weekends gone!
Bummed I wasn’t there…but at least I can catch a glimpse of it here
I can’t wait to get out & catch some of those monster walleys…oh, and MY big muskie too!
See you tonight at the Airport!

Great report Rob!
I’ll be up there Thur. afternoon to start off 3 nights of the action.

Looks like they’re a little thicker than last year. That’s good to see.
Great report Rob. I got out with Calvin on Saturday the 13th and we got 32 eyes from about 9pm to midnight. By the way, THANK YOU Calvin for the great night out! The biggest I think was about 26inches. I would have put up a report but spent the rest of the week up at the Rainy River in Baudette and fishing was pretty slow. Came home and my puppy had eaten my camera cable so I can’t post anything until I get that fixed.
We got our fish up in the weeds in 5 to 6 fow and had a lot on the inside rod. My dad got one after we had been just drifting reeling in another fish for about 2 minutes, then he got slammed! Coming to a dead halt would be something to experiment with a little bit. We got fish on black and gold, storm perch, and silver and orange. A little bit of everything had its time to shine.
Good luck up there this weekend boys!!
Nice report, gotta do that someday with someone that knows what they are doing. (mainly playing with the reefs scares me a bit
Thanks Guys!
Todd next year lets set something up!
Great stuff, Rob. I think Ben and I are both very excited to make our way up there…..I can’t wait!
Great report Rob. Can’t wait to put the hurting on them Wednesday…
Thursday AM is going to be a rough morning, I hope the boss don’t want much out of me.

Nice report Rob!
Those sure are some fat and sassy looking walleyes.
Great Report Rob,
It DID TAKE awhile, but looks like the Time IS NOW…
I hope to Rob, thanks for offering.
October is just the greatest month isn’t it? Walleye, waterfowl, upland, big game, etc. I’d take 4 Octobers every year
I hear ya Tood.
Every year I say that October 15th – November 15th is the best 30 days of the year. However, I have extended that this year to November 30th and mor elike 45 days 
I extend that another 30 days to 12/31 to include early ice.
I just tell the wife that those 75 days are like the shopping for her, day after Turkey day and day after Christmas. 
I keep telling everyone who will listen that there should be a way to double the length of October and November – it should be a Constitional Ammendment or something. Nice job Rob and others… have fun and be safe up there – the water’s getting colder, Chuckles
Good work Rob! Nice fish!
Nice report Lipper. I have got to get my
back up there. Looks like I should be up there by Tues. afternoon. 
Nice report, Rob. Who needs sleep, huh?
Thanks Guys!
BB your retired you don’t have a schedule,
Just get your
up here. Call Mr. T and get the scoop from him. Then just put lures in the water and troll.

Wow Rob! Nice fish!! Sounds like we might be heading up Friday night to give it a go. Have fun out in Hoven. Been there a few times myself. Good luck!
Thanks Ang, Keep those boys in line!