Shhhhhhh! Don’t tell too many people…BUT…the fall walleye run to the shallows is in full swing! Bait fish galore is creating a situation where location and presentation is the key to success. I have not seen baitfish in the system like this for quite a number of years. Everywhere you look…perch..perch…and more perch!
We have not been blessed with any decent moonlight, except for tonight. The fish relating to the rocks are running on the smaller side. You may run into slot fish by trolling #5 Shad Raps around and on top of rock piles. Perch are being taken this way as well right now during the day. I know Jami Ritter is putting up a perch report soon, so I will not steal his thunder. Suffice it to say the fish are shallow. Not as shallow as last weekend for my boat. Most of my fish have been coming in 5-9 FOW.
Again, “S” turns and slow speeds are the key. We caught about 30 fish Saturday night, and I believe that most of these fish came on the “Inside turn rod” while going only 1 MPH. In fact, Mike Kuethe of Lakeville who fished with me Saturday night noted that his lure came to a dead halt, and got smashed by a 24″ walleye! So slow it down if you want to make contact right now. The water is stained right now from the recent rains. So slower will put your bait in front of a fish longer and allow them to really sero in on it! As you can see from the graph, I have been contacting fish right along the break lines. Weeds will be present down to 10 FOW. I have been doing a number of “S Turns” over this breakline. The fish are attacking stick baits as they come off of this structure, or slowwy flutter over it.
Stick baits such as Smithwick Rogues and Rapala Husky Jerks and Bomber Long A’s have been hot baits in my boat. But Saturday the night belonged to a discontinued Storm Thunderstick bait.
I only have two..So I am being careful not to lose one! The bite will continue to improve. Be mobile. Do not get stuck in a non-productive spiral. If you are not getting bit, change up colors, styles and makes. I am looking forward to seeing a bunch of you up here this week! I am running on 4 hours sleep for two days! I am beat! It is 2:10 as I type this Monday morning. We got only a half dozen fish tonight, but they were quality fish. The schools are moving up and down the shoreline, so staying mobile and covering large expanses will put you in contact with fish! Good luck, and get up here!
That is great news, Tuck! I’m looking forward to getting some of those eyes myself with Ben, and hopefully meeting you this coming week. Let the onslaught begin!
Nice report Tuck!
Beautiful looking fish as always.
Great report as always Tuck!

I need to sit down with you and swap some info !
Some body kept callng your name on the radio on Friday.
and it wasn’t me. 
Keep them warmed up I will be back on Wednesday night!
Great report Chris! I can’t wait to get up there Thursday!
About 75 hours until we hit the water to lay down some trolling passes. 
Good report Tuck. I’m gonna miss it this year.
I will add some pictures of the weekend bite as well….We found that the slowest speeds possible were the best, at times we were below 1 mph. I think Tuck said it best about the dirty stained water, the fish prefer the baits in a slower pattern right now because of this. We also had a number of fish hit while letting line out to start the trolling run. Which means the fish were hitting the crank while it was just suspending.
This week is what I look forward to all year, man this is going to be fun. If you get a chance get up to Mille Lacs and give this trolling thing a try…Be careful its very addicting…
Sharing the boat with me on Saturday night were Ken Reeves and Steve Bednare….
Look forward to our next trip. 
Great Report Chris.
Say it ain’t so, Calvin; but I DO think you are right about that.
It’s not that addicting.
It jus tmakes you go without sleep because your fishing all night, then go to work the next day a walking zombie, but your not tired enough that you can’t go fishing agian, just to do it all over again the next night.
Ok it’s addicting.
Your not suppose to be telling.
Loose lips sink Walleye boats…or something like that!!!!
Great report
A few recent fish..
Nice reports guys. I’m addicted. Calvin, We bumped into you at the access. We were in the Black Pro V. I tried to get you on the radio around 10pm but I think we had the wrong channel. We ended up trying the rocks with limited success and then hit it really good for a short burst up in the weeds towards your area. We will be heading up this Wed ’til the weekend. Would like to swap some info.
Take care all and good luck to those venturing up this week. It should be fanastic.
Nice Chris.
I’m coming up Tuesday. Finely got my slab poured. Now it’s time to get back to the fishin
I’ll give you a call after I get settled in at our place. 
Sounds good Bruce! We plan on eating at Hunters before going out if you are interested.
Here are the pigs of the evening…It was a bit slower tonight, but the quality was much better. I got 2-27″ fish back to back! On a small Rip Stick no less! I opted to downsize and work the deeper water off the break with the bright moon overhead. It worked.
These fish absolutely inhaled the lures!
Nice fish, Tuck! Looks like you got them dialed in. Good report and great info!
Wish I could get up there.