Midweek Mille Lacs Report 10.11.07

Well….. after looking at my weekends Hunting schedule and having it filled by chasing Monster Bucks, Roosters and having the wife out of town last night. That freed up Rufus’s and my night and I needed a Walleye fix to get me through the weekend. So last night I was joined by fellow IDA Staffers Mike W. and Micah in pursuit of some chunky Mille Lacs Walleyes. Our plan to get on the lake at dark and troll some sharp weed line breaks that have been producing so far this Fall and see if I could get a decent rock bite going. Firs thing I noticed when we got on the water was the water temps finally dipped well in to the 50’s as we had right around 55 pretty much the whole night. The wind was somewhat hitting this shoreline and the new moon period made it dark as we started the night with cloudy skies but ended with clear ones, that made it a very cool crisp night. BRRRRRR but boy did it feel good!

When we got started just after dark like usual, Firetiger was the appetizer of choice for 2 healthy Walleyes that quickly came to the boat. But, from that point on it was clear that the ol’ Craw Husky Jerk was what they wanted to feast on. Again this was no surprise as on dark nights with low availability of moonlight these darker profile baits seemed to produce the best. Micah happened to have the only Craw HJ on and he was greeted with the next 4 fish in a row. Greatly due to the fact of “Swing and Miss Westman” had troubles keeping fish hooked last night for some reason. The one he did have boat side got off due to the fact of the fish’s mad dash after the strike that went across both Micah’s and my line and his line found my hooks on my Husky Jerk. However in the bottom of the ninth Mike (Mr. October) came up big with a huge home run swing when he boated the 40” Muskie shown above. As the fish battled Mike nicely and we brought out the flood light so Micah and I could watch the show and to keep things safe being so dark, with a big fish and a lot of hooks.

I tried to keep the boat right around 1.5-1.7mph in 6-8 feet of water. The ticket last night seemed to favor holding the rod still and not pumping the rod as I think all fish were taken when the rod was still last night. These fish are really starting to pack on the pounds as almost every fish was very healthy and looking for more. The one thing that I have noticed for my boat is the weed fish have treated me better for both numbers and size. So far that is where I have concentrated. I have tried many usual producing rock areas and have just not found the numbers or the size yet. Hopefully this will change soon.

Overall, it was one of my slower nights this Fall, but I think if we were able to stay out there longer and make some runs to other spots we could have pulled a decent number of fish. If I had more time it would have been nice to make a run and hit some other weed fish I know have been turning on later (10:00) in the evening. With the time restraint and having to work in the morning, we were only able to target 2 close areas. The one produced early and often and then died out after 10:30. The other never got going. But….. some fishing is better then none. It was a nice cool, crisp, night to be on the water and it made it better spending it with some good fishing buddies. Believe me, the best of this Fall trolling bite is right around the corner, so get on the lake and hold onto your rod Thanks for a great night Guys! I’m really looking forward to Micah’s report on Monday as he has a great trip planned for this weekend. For me I will be chasing bucks and roosters like mentioned earlier and look forward to posting a HUNTING report on that upon my return.

PS: For those of you keeping track this year. We might have to tack on an additional 15 days , but tomorrow starts the best 30……..OK 45 days of the year. Now is the TIME to Drop da’ on the big boys and girls!

Everyone have a great weekend and I will see you all on Monday!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Lip,

    I passed you going up 65 around 5:30 last night. Figured you were on your way to the pond, so a report was expected. Nice job guys!


  2. Lip,

    I passed you going up 65 around 5:30 last night. Figured you were on your way to the pond, so a report was expected. Nice job guys!


  3. Just curious if you were using craw or orange craw and if they were Size 10 or 12? I may have to dust off some old cranks for the upcoming weekend.

  4. That was us Lars.

    Thanks Guys, man it wa s chilly one last night. Not sude to that yet.

    We sued #12’s although with the quick cold temps, I believe the #10s could put a few more fish in the boat. Something I thought of today and did not try last night.

  5. Quote:

    Hey Mike good looking muskie. I’ll bet that was fun!

    That was fun Steve. I was real happy as it was the only fish that didnt come unhooked on me last night also. Thanks for the trip again last night Rob. Those where good sized fish. Now we just need the numbers to start showing up again.

  6. Quote:

    However in the bottom of the ninth Mike (Mr. October) came up big with a huge home run swing when he boated the 40” Muskie

    Awesome Muskie Mike! I want to catch a Muskie SO bad! Next week is my turn!

  7. Your name did come up after we caught that fish. Good luck next week. Atleast your fishing with the right guy to put you on one.

  8. Thanks Guys. I need to give credit to Ripper. He seems to have some knack to getting those toothy critters to bite. Not sure of what it is as we run very close to the same pattern night fishing. Just goes to show how little differances can make a big differance in a good bite.

  9. Got 15 with the kid, nephew and Bro in-law. Two taped out at 27″, and we had 4 slots! Rare for fall, but normal for moonless nights I have found. Another thing notable for us was the fact that no fish came out of water deeper than 4′! Most at 3.5′! As soon as I can find my caera cord( ) I will put some up..

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