Windy weekend on Mille lacs

What a windy weekend on Mille lacs lake. Strong south winds made night trolling this past weekend to say the least a little challenging. For those that where willing to put up with the conditions on the lake there where still plenty of healthy walleyes to show for the efforts like this one.

Jon J and PDW joined me on friday night. We headed to a north end weed line and started trying to troll the 6 to 8′ range. With good solid 3+ waves hitting the side of the boat, we where in for a ride. Rocking and rolling down the weed line it didn’t take long to find the walleyes still very willing to hit our rouges and husky jerks.

Fighting and landing these fish this weekend at times was also a great challenge. After the first couple of fish we got the fire drill down pretty good. A must was to always have one guys on the motor. That guy usual ran the spot light also. The other 2 guys where left to trying to stay standing while netting the fish. I was very happy to have a couple of well experienced fishermen in the boat this weekend to make this work

Saturday night we left the north end and went looking for new fish and calmer water. We did find new fish but it was not always on the calm water we where hoping for. Trolling these break lines in a cross wind can get to be a chore after a while. Sometimes all you can do is hold the boat at a 45 angle and do your best to troll a straight line down them. Even a slight pause in attention puts a boat way off coarse. Anyways there will be many more calm nights to fish this fall so good luck to you guys that are getting out there.

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Mike W

45, self employed at HomeTown Plumbing Inc., 1 wife, 3 kids. Enjoy fishing rivers in MN. N St Croix, N Miss, Pool 2, Pool 4, and always looking for a new river to try. Spend most of my time chasing Full Bio ›


  1. Great job on the photos Jon. Next time we need to get one of you in there. Some of these photos took several try to get the job done with the way the boat was rocking.

    It was also good to run into a lot of other IDA folks up there this weekend. It was good to chat with you guys after a good night on the water. Post your photos guys and lets hear how you did. I know a lot of nice fish where caught this weekend.

  2. Thanks for taking me along Mike. Always great to get out with a couple great fishermen like you and Jon. Another totally successfus trip! If things fall into place this next week I hope to have a lot more time for these trips. P.S…sorry bout the rod Nathaniel

  3. Hey, it was nice seeing you guys and chatting well into the morning hours. Sorry no pictures as I strategicly placed my camera in the grass where my trailer was parked .

  4. I didn’t even attempt to take any pictures Friday as I was afraid the wind would blow us up on a sand bar before I knew it.

    Here are a couple of fish from Saturday night with my son Tyler and my neighbor Bob. This was a first time night trolling for the both of them.

  5. Glad you’re getting into them Mike. I’m still trying to figure out when I will be able to make it up there.
    Hopefully soon.


  6. Quote:

    That’s a great pic of Tyler there! Good Job.


    Is this the same Tyler that out fished Chappy up at the Hunters Point GTG last January?

    NIce job!!!!

  7. I went out on Saturday with my 2 Cousins. It was not fast and furious but a steady Girnd. Not finding the real big fish showing up in muumbers yet at this location, but the temps were still above 60. Lot’s of time left.

    Tammy boated her Largest Pike to date right off the bat. A nice 38″er. Thanks for a great night guys!

    Friday night I was in the same area as Mike and boated some Dandy fish in the rollers, but had no camera. My budddy Chris boated his largest Pike to date a 39″ and my buddy Jason boated his 4 largest eyes to date! Congrats Guys as a few , , and were had in my boat that night. It was windy but we got off the lake just in time before it really kikced up. Another great night also GUYS!

    The pic of the fish and lure, Do you think he was hungry????

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