Mississippi River Pool 4 Walleye Report 9-29-07

I had the chance to share my boat with Captain John Stears this fine Saturday.

We were targeting the mighty Mississippi white tails. We hit the water at 8:30 am and were off on a wind swept day. The winds were 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 20+ just perfect for the 17 foot Lund.

We arrived along our first stop and made a couple dozen casts apiece and the rain began and continued for the rest of our day. Our weapons today were crank baits and plastics.

Casting and pitching were the presentations used.

John hooked up with the first fish on a K-grub, hopped back to the boat. This was a 21 inch white tail and I was nervous because this was the smallest fish that I had seen taken in this area. I was hoping that the little fish had not moved in yet.

Well persistence and hard worked paid off, John took our second fish and it was the right kind a nice 28 inch white tail. Great job John, this fish also came on a K-grub.

I was staying very stubborn on this day and would not put my crank bait down. Finally I

hook up and it is a big fish, well wouldn’t you know it was a carp. About and hour later another hook up big fish adrenaline rush, and yes another carp dog gum it.

Well we are getting soaked and the fishing platform is getting thrown all over the place I was thinking we were at a rodeo. We were getting ready to head for quieter water, when bingo big fish on and these shallow water fish do fight. Well after about a three minute tussle John slides the net under a nice 29 ¾ inch white tail. She pulled my scale to 10lbs 4 oz. she was a honey we shot a couple quick photos and released her. It was raining so hard it was tough to get good pictures because I didn’t want to soak my digital.

Well after another 40 minutes we decide to head to flatter water. We seek out some quite shoreline and then the thunder starts. It is about 1:00 pm and we call it a day. But not before John puts five bass in the boat. John those green grass feeders seem to follow you every where.

John as always it was great to share my boat with you and even though we only caught three walleyes today I had a great time.

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When I'm not fishing or working I'm looking for nitecrawlers...and Tournament Angler for the past 20 plus years.



    Your driving me crazy Vandy
    I’m on call and your at the whitetailed slobs again!
    What time did you nail the first fish? A little bird called me around nine oclock and reported you were on the spot, but had no fish yet.
    You know the fish never bite before ten oclock am…. At least not in my boat

    See ya this weekend……..B

  2. Wow another gorgeous ten pounder! You are the MAN! Way to stick it out in the tough conditions. Can you believe I had the chance to get out on Friday but ended up having to abort the trip? That hurt.

  3. Very nice fish guys. Great to see John out catchin some big ”walleyes” for a change. Knowing where you had to be fishin I bet it was windy out there. Thanks for the report and pics.
    Thanks, Bill

  4. Greg,

    Thanks for the trip, someone has to take Randy’s place while he’s recovering. The fishing was no surprise. Quality fish take time and persistence and Greg has the persistence. After a thousand cast (at least it seemed like it) my shore shoulder said do something with less resistance than cranking. I figured I could get a reaction bit by jumping a big grub off the bottom. It worked, but not for the big girl. Greg’s persistence paid off with a monster. When we laid the net on the floor I swore the fish had to be 12 pounds.

    Thanks again! I owe you one.


  5. Hey John it was not the best weather day but I had fun. Looking forward to chasing some Northern, and green fish with ya.

    Tom and Eric hope to see you on the water soon.

  6. Vandy, are you fishing Saugerama? I’ll be there with my buddy Al Ericson. Although we may be bunking in the Everts baitshop!!!

  7. Wow, those are some awesome walleyes!

    Three fish outings like that can’t come along often enough in my book..

    Congratulations guys!


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