Quick Report on Mille Lacs Fall Trolling 9.21.07

Well, I finally getting around to posting a quick report from the 2nd run of the Fall trolling. Last Friday I was joined by my new bride Stacie and my buddy Torre. We were surprised that not many other boats were out. We picked the West side to stay out of the stiff wind that was coming out of the West. By the time we got on the lake it was just before 9:30. The water temps was just over 60 degrees and the plan was to work weed edges, rock reefs and transition areas. The weeds on the West still seemed to be standing pretty good and will nee dsome colder water tmeps befor ethey start laying down nicely. Man it was COLD, but did it feel good. I was a little unprepared, but found another jacket in the bottom of the boat.

The Moon was out and high in the sky and so we tried clown and fire tiger baits to start out with. I started out my speeds @ 2.2-2.3 mph and slowly decreased my speeds each pass. I found out later that perhaps I did not start fast enough according to Wabasha’s report. Anyway, we started to get bit when I got down to about 1.7 mph as I felt that ol’ familiar feeling of a nice mid 20’s inch eye slam my bait on a weed edge.

Soon after it was Staice’s turn as her drag started to sound and her rod tip was shaking violently. She had her lucky Clown Rouge on. The same lure that put a good ol’ fashion whoopin’ on us boys last year. Just as I thought when the fish came boat side it was a decent pike. Soon it was Torres turn and he ended up boating his 2nd Mile Lacs Smallie ever, a nice chunky 16.25”. We ended up boating an eye here and eye there. Nothing to fast and furious, but we still found fish. We did get bit off a few times and the guy next to us noted he boated 2 Muskies that night ( a smaller one and one around 40”)

The bite was steady, but rather slow for our boat. I never pulled the trigger on Shad Raps although I mentioned it a few times to get them out and like I mentioned earlier it seems I started out a the wrong speed. However it was a GREAT night to be out trolling. It was crisp, clear and fairly calm where we were out and the moon was a great site to see in these conditions as it got me excited for what is about to come. I plan on hitting her hard this week and hope to get into them a little better by the time the weekend comes. Good Luck to everyone else and remember to be safe this weekend as it will be crowded. Give me a if you see me. I will be up a few times this week and then for a long weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Nice report Rob. Can’t wait to get up there on the 13th and freezed my butt off. My dad and I will be jumping in with Calvin to give the new moon a shot.

  2. Thanks for the report! I think there should be rules against posting Fall Trolling reports on Sunday-Thursday. How am I supposed to concentrate at work?

  3. Great report Rob. And congrats to you and Stacie. I also agree with Fife, no trolling reports Sunday thru Thursday.


  4. Those are funny looking deer Rob! You must be waiting for the leaves to fall before hitting the woods huh? Nice report and congrats on some nice looking fish!

  5. Nice fish Rob!

    Looks like you guys are on the verge of yet another great years worth of fall night fishing for walleyes.
    Am I jealous? Yes!


  6. Nice report Rob.
    Great photos something about that black background that really makes them look awesome.
    Way to go.
    Good luck this week.

  7. Rob, good work…may I be the first to “forum” congratulate you on the addition of Stacie to the Stenger realm. Way to go, you’re a lucky guy (as i’m sure you are aware) of your lady joinging you in the boat on cool fall evenings. I am working on my girl, but with the kids it’s a little tougher. I think it would have to be pretty fast and furious and dialed in to keep her interested that late and that cold.

  8. Though a little cooler than I expected….It was a great night fishing! I can’t wait for the fat walleyes to come as Fall sets in…

  9. Thanks Guys! It was great to get out and enjoy a calm, clear, cold night trolling on Mille Lacs.

    Girly Boy?? I don’t see you out on the water???

    Whats that?? The wife won’t let you go.


    Sorry I missed your call Kooty, I left the phone in the truck last night. Besides about that time (12:30 am last night) Calvin, Mike W. and I were in the middle of a Walleye Chew. We had a slow period for awhile but BOY did we get into them and we got into some nice ones. As soon as we got Mike W. off the PIKE program. A few modifications later and BOOM it was FISH ON after FISH ON! Either Calvin or I should have a report up sometime soon.

    Also note the DNR nets are out. Be careful out there this weekend.

  10. What access or resort did you use or can you give a report on the accesses you know of as far as water depth and if you were able to get out without hitting bottom?? thanks

  11. Nice job Rob and congrats getting the wife out too! I haven’t been up there since labor day weekend because I’ve been in a tree! I’m starting to feel like a squirrel!

  12. Thanks Guys.

    As far as Ramps go. Remember all ramps are lower then usual and caution should be used at all. However, Myr Mar was fine and Terry’s is fine except he has a bad one. As you look at the water the left side of the Right Ramp is bad. I dropped the trailer off the edge last week. The other ones were fine.

    I have a 620 Ranger for reference.

  13. It was nice meeting your crew a week ago at the landing. I didn’t see you on that end of the lake this past friday, however I just wanted to let you know I caught some big fish (3 over 27+) just a little south of there banging plugs into the rocks. See you on the water!

  14. Welcome to IDA nighttroller aka Mike!

    It was nice meeting you at the ramp and talkin’ Hang around here, there is some great information on the trolling bite up there.

    I was a little farther north on Friday, but was back there on Saturday. It seems the bigger fish are moving up in those rocks just after midnight!

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