Mississippi River Pool 4 Walleye Report 9-17-07

The fall bite on Pepin is starting to pick up. With the water temps dropping the fish will be moving. I had the privilege to fish with some great guys this weekend. Thanks for the tips Randy and Dustin.
The schools of bait fish are every where in huge numbers. With the water temps dropping these fish will head to the warmer waters. Which will be the shallow bays and sloughs?

This first photo is a 28 incher that fell to a crank bait. This day was one of many casts, and bait changes. All four of my fish came in a matter of 15 minutes on four consecutive casts. I am just guessing, because I did not want to scale these fish. But my best guess is that these four went over 25 pounds. All these fish came out of less then 10 feet of water.

This next photo is a pair of twins that wanted to come aboard for a photo session These two were caught one right after the other, on Sunday afternoon what a great day to be on the water. I had 15 minutes of fame and it was over for me on this day.

Here is another 26 incher that wanted my crank bait offering. These shallow water fish are really on steroids the fight is tenacious. The 28 incher that I caught hit and ran from the boat about 20 yards and I was willing to bet it was going to be a huge carp. Surprise on me when I finally got the net under her.

This last photo is of a 27 incher I boated on Monday. I had invited Jerrie to come walleye fishing. Well our day was one of many casts, with only one fish to the net.
We had seven hook ups today but only one fish to photo. We lost one on a break off right at the boat but we at least got to see her. Jerrieā€™s best bait was a Pro Blue paddle tail. Mine was a crank bait. I would have really liked to have seen the sun come out today but that was not to happen until we were loading the boat. We packed it in at 1:30 pm.

Well lets keep that water temp dropping.

Come on Fall.
Good luck out there and Hope to see you on the water

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When I'm not fishing or working I'm looking for nitecrawlers...and Tournament Angler for the past 20 plus years.


  1. Nice fish Greg. Don’t ya love it when they finally decide to cooperate!!! Hope to see you on the water soon.

  2. Thanks guys.

    I just love sweatshirt weather and very little cruiser traffic….prime time is almost here.

    I just wanted to state that all fish were released after the photo session.

  3. Vandy is an A#1 guy…
    He is not afraid to share information and techniques. I know he enjoys putting others on fish (almost) as much as catching them himself.
    I’ll be seeing you next month partner!!
    Great report~!

  4. Hey Jeremy..the smile was because of the horse shoe that was pushing up my posterior sitting on that hard picnic table.

    Tom glad to here your medical wows are behind you. Looking forward to seeing you again in 2007.. have a safe trip over.

  5. Quote:

    Hey Jeremy..the smile was because of the horse shoe that was pushing up my posterior sitting on that hard picnic table.

    That explains why you were walking funny. Awesome job!

  6. What a show you put on Sunday Vandy!!
    Four big fish on four consecutive casts, and all landed. That is no easy task for a guy fishing alone. Do you hire out as a net man?

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