Frost on the boat cover and some extra crispness in the air are two ways to tell that fall has arrived. Another tell-tale indicator that summer has ended is that Lake Wissota’s walleyes start to strap on the feedbag. Yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure of fishing with long-time IDA member Mark Steffes and his two girls Ashley and Christine as part of their first trip to Lake Wissota. Something tells me that this trip will not be their last.
Our trip began with a run up the Chippewa River to fish livebait through some areas that are consistent summer and fall producers. Rock and sand points are one type of area that I frequent, as well as deep holes in the middle of rocky flats. We were set up with an array of 1/16 oz jigs to be used to pitch or drag crawler halves or minnows. The level of fish activity was not all that impressive, but we were able to manage a few slot walleyes and a handful of jumping smallmouth bass. There were a number of boats around us, and nobody seemed to be lighting them up, so I started planning for an after-lunch change of tactics.
After a hot lunch at the Wissota View on the south end of the lake, I decided to pull some cranks on leadcore through some deeper-water main lake areas in the hope that we could start to scare up some better walleye numbers. As we set up in our first area, a 20-22′ deep wind-blown flat, my pace quickened as I noted LARGE numbers of bottom-oriented fish on the locator. The eyes are here…but would they bite? Well, Mark and I were working on getting the third and fouth lines in the water when the first line got whacked by a chunky slot eye. As soon as that fish went back into the drink, a second bait connected with another slotter. It didn’t take too long for us to put the jigging rods away, and spend the rest of our day pulling cranks on leadcore.
Over the four hours we spent fishing together after lunch, Mark, his girls and I conservatively put 25+ fish in the boat, including 4 double-headers. These were primarily fish in the 14-18" protected slot, although we did scrape up some eaters for Mark and the girls to take home as well. It was a TON of fun fishing with this group, with Mark and I setting baits in place and handing the rods off to the girls when we would hook up. After a long day of cranking in Wissota walleyes in the early fall sun sun and the cool breeze, I suspect that the girls were fast alseep before too long on their way home. Thanks for making the trip over here Mark, I look forward to fishing together again soon!
Our key depths were 18-22′, at the base of near-shore drops and scattered along deep-water flats, but we also caught some fish suspended that far down over 30+ feet of water. Our trolling speeds were right around 2 mph. Smaller profile baits like #5 shad raps and similar sized Salmo hornets produced better than #7 SRs or jointed SRs, although we did score one nice fish on a Minnow Rap.
Don’t miss out on the next 6 weeks of walleye and smallmouth action on Lake Wissota. Hope to see you out there soon!
Here are a few more pics from our day on Wissota.
Looks like you guys and gals had a blast, great report Jason!
Jason, it was a pleasure to fish with you today.
I can tell you that the girls had a blast & that was all they talked about till Baldwin, when it got real quiet in my truck. They both have said they’d like to return for more of the lake Wissota action. Again Jason I can’t thank you enough on the great day of fishing & mind relaxing. Also sorry about all of the minnows in your live well, but the grils thought the keepers looked hungry. 
Good to see the girls havent lost their touch!
Looks like you had a great day!
great fun,and thanx for the report.I’m headin to Wissota right after I type this.I don’t have my lead core set-up yet,but I’ve got another technique I’m itchin to try.
I made it out tonight, wind was out of the ESEat around 10 to 15, Water temp WAS 66.
I arived at a spot like Jason talked at about 5pm at 5:10 I had my first eye, at 7:15 I quit With my 15th eye, I GUESS THE FALL BITE IS ON! I was troling at about 2.25mph with #5 shads in fire tiger But I think anything would work, there were people coming and going from that area all nite they were jigging and not catching a thing.
I had one pontoon track me down and wanted to know what I was doing he said that there was a another guy there yesterday doing the same thing with a crestliner 2 kids and 2 adults in the boat. I told him I was troling with shad raps and the guy you saw yesterday was a guide his name is Jason Halfen. You might want to contact him He can show you some things to help when what you are doing is not working It will make you more versitel and help widen your bag of tricks. That is what I did this spring and has realy helped my catching this year.
the eyes were all short ex 2 but were still fun to catch thanks Jason
Way to go 2ks!
Nice report Jason.
Lots of fish = lots of fun.
It sure looks like everyone was having fun!
was on lake Wissota last Sat, same results on the big lake trolling tail dancers. Lots of slots, fast and furious. We did best in 12 to 15 ft. though. Wonder how the muskie fisherman did out there, muskie inc. tournie was represented well on Wissota that day…mikest1r
Mike, do you have a red Lund and were fishing solo? If so I think I remember seeing you.
The best for Wissota is yet to come!
Jason, I have a two tone grey Lund pro angler, tiller. 2 of us fishing. Be back out on Mon. have to work weekend…