Thursday afternoon I was greeted at the door by my smiling kids. Grinning ear to ear anxiously waiting for me to get out of my truck. Once through the door it was hugs and kisses for me, always a welcome gift from a long day at work.
My 5yr old Daughter Mattison asks "Can we go fishing please?" "Yeah!" says Wil, my 3yr old Son "fissing!!"
Normally I’m all for packing up and hitting that water, but Thursday I was running late from work and the chances of getting my 2 kids on the water for an enjoyable afternoon/evening were slim at best. Time wasn’t on our side Thursday.
When my Daughter asks me to go fishing, I’m always reminded of the ‘Take Me Fishing’ ad campaign. The one where the litte girl says "Take me fishing, ’cause my wedding will be sooner than you think." I have no doubt that will be true. As I mentioned, my Matti is 5 and I have no recollection of those 5 years. Or the 3 years my Son has been with us. Time’s been flying by, and I’m trying to make the best of it all.
After breaking 2 little hearts and telling them tonight wasn’t the night, but tomorrow(Friday) would be better, I made plans to get everyone on the water for some much needed R & R.
Once again, I pulled into the driveway and was met with a wave of hugs and kisses followed by "Are we going fishing??" As they always say, a promise made is a promise kept. "Sure" I said, "Let’s do it!"
First we had to dig some worms. There’s no better place to do that than Grampa’s worm bed. After a quick stop at Grampa’s worm bed we hooked up the boat and headed for the ramp.
The report I’d been hearing was the snags were loaded and the Bluegills are more than willing to stretch a line. I’m hear to tell you, that report was dead on. We had a great night on the water. The size wasn’t what I’d hoped for, but our intentions were to have fun, drink some soda, play a little with the worms, and maybe, just maybe catch a fish. I had no hopes or dreams of filling the livewell, much less cleaning any fish. I wanted to show my kids how to catch fish and have fun. Mission accomplished!
The one thing I know about taking kids fishing, is to keep it simple. Our gear for the night consisted of Cane Poles and Bobbers. No fancy rods or reels to drop in the water or baitcasters to backlash.
We targeted Panfish on wood in about 7-8 feet of water, fishing only 3 feet deep. Normally I keep repositioning the boat off various snags until I find some active fish, but on this night our first spot was our only spot.
If I would have been by myself, I would have moved as the fish were rather small, but the kids loved it and had a lot of fun. That to me is what it’s all about. The smiling faces on the way home followed by the "Thank You’s" was all I needed to see and hear. We’ll be doing this again soon.
Take a child fishing. There’s nothing more fun or rewarding that I know of. <img src="" alt="" />
THAT is what it’s all about. The photos will fade or get lost but those memories never die.
One more picture from the evening.
Way cool Tom
Bret, have I got a catfish bait haven for you on pool 7.

The smile on your boys face says it all Tom, priceless simply pricesless.
Great report with ALOT of meaning and truth Tom. Taking your kids fishing is priceless memories being made everytime. Now you know why I spend so much time on Lake Zumbro, besides my job on the Rochester Forum, is so I know where the good bite is for taking my grandkids. And usually where we take our kids and grandkids fishing is close to home so more time can be spent on fishing.
The smiles say it all. 
Thanks, Bill
Great Report and better yet, great pic’s – they say it all
– and you are right, before you know it . . . . .
all grown up. There’s nothing more enjoyable than kids catching fish 
Good times!
All kids should be so lucky. Thanks for the smiles today. 
Great report Blue!!
Reports like this is why IDA is the best! Well done,and keep enjoying those simple times
Thanks Blue! This report really made my day. Time to get my daughter out on the water SOON!

Way to go Daddy
There truly is noting better then spending some quality time with the kids in the boat.
Great report Blue. I’ve had many great days on the water this summer with my five-year-old son. Can’t wait for little sister to get a bit older to join us.
It’s good to see you getting in some family time, Tom. Nicely done buddy!
Simply awesome Tom!
Those two kids look pretty happy and proud.