Everts Resort/Pool4 Summer Report

It has been a great summer for fishing at Everts Resort!

It has been a while since my last report so I’ll get right to business. Pool 4 eyes have slowed a bit as of late, but lots of good fish are there for the angler willing to try different techniques until the days "magic bait" is found.

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to share my boat with a new friend, Ryan from Austin. The first pic is a 25" eye Ryan took on our first trolling pass of the day!! This dandy came on a brown craw crankbait in 15′ of water on the main channel. Way to go Ryan!! Best speeds for me have been in the 1.6-2.0 mph range. Color preference changes daily with red,brown and fire craw patterns all producing at times. Ryan also nailed a 13# pike this weekend on a crankbait. What a fish!!

As I mentioned earlier, summer eyes may show a definite preference for different presentations from one day to the next. Dragging light jigs and bait is one of my favorite ways to fish and current low flows make it a good bet. Find the sloughs with current and you’ll find the fish. Here is a picture of #1 son Sean with a nice dragging eye. 1/16 jigs in black and orange are favorites

Here is one last photo of a mama walleye caught trolling main channel breaks on pool 4. I’ve been fishing both pools 3&4 in the last week with good days on both pools. Stop at Everts, Dean will have the latest colors and baits and some info on where to use them

See ya on the water…..B

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Brian Lyons


  1. Good report Brian. Have you guys been using the new BFT draggin’ jigs much? If so, how are they performing for you? I only got a chance to use them briefly early in the season and I’ve been busy chasing other bronze critters since.

  2. Great report Brian! This is a rough time of year for me so it is good to know people are stilling finding the ‘eyes. The Pool 3 wingdams have been pretty good to us so far, hopefully that pattern holds for a while yet! Someone needs to drag Dean out so he can show us how it’s done.

  3. Wade;
    We have been using B-fishin dragging jigs. I love the larger hook, it’s great for dragging willow cats. Now, if I just had some cats

  4. Brian, it looks like you had a great birthday and a wonderful vaction once again. great report and good looking fish. I will hopefully see ya in a couple of weeks.

  5. Nice report Brian! Man! I need to get down there soon or I might as well wait for October.
    I would guess we only got weeks before the big slow down?


  6. A paddlefish sure can make a mess out of your trolling-rod spread.Ya never know what lurks here on pool 4!Thanks for assisting Sean!

  7. Nicee fish DeanO! Bet that buckled the rod alittle bit! Must have though you had a trophy on there!!!

  8. Probably felt like a log, with occasional thump and moving around to know you have to work it in, am sure it took awhile. pretty cool, that might be a first for you..

  9. Quote:

    Nicee fish DeanO! Bet that buckled the rod alittle bit! Must have though you had a trophy on there!!!

    Yes a first, Jack….Chappy it certainly was beyond your average walleye!

  10. Nice fish Ryan, You spend more time over at Deans and he’ll show what the rivers all about. Just leave his cookies alone.
    Wallster ><((((>

  11. Quote:

    Nice fish. Haha did you mount that northern ryan?? hahahaha just playin those are some biggins.

    He actually caught it right where he was standing for the pic… fishing from shore.

  12. Quote:

    We have been using B-fishin dragging jigs. I love the larger hook, it’s great for dragging willow cats. Now, if I just had some cats

    Dave finally put the Draggin’ Jigs up for sale on his website. Here’s a piece from the announcement.

    That gold color is a new one. I’ve not fished that one but it should be a dandy.

  13. Pretty nice fish I am new to the area can you keep spoonbills up here we have a season back home for them in Nebraska and belive it or not they are the best eating fish you will ever catch they taste more like pork than fish. If there is a season here that would save me a lot of money going back to catch them every year.

  14. I’m curious,I know a Dean that used to sell cars in Menomonie,Wi.He moved to manage a resort a few years ago and I haven’t seen him since.Crappie Dean,is that you?
    Thanx for the report,I read em,but I still get skunked!

  15. I answered my own question,I see his name in the signature line,it’s crappie Dean ! He got that name over on Otter Lake a few (many) years back.Hello Dean,…Jeff and Sarah Luer say Hi.

  16. Hey Skunked…“Crappie Dean’s” been tied up lately fishing tournies and pulling boat and trailers out of the ‘sippi.

    He should be on here sometime this morning.

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