Multi Species FIshing the McGregor Area 7.21.07

The McGregor area finally gives up it’s strangle hold on the Walleyes for me come late Summer. I have struggled boating Walleyes on a certain lake up here after the 4th of July Week well into September. I mean really struggled, to the point where I would not even fish for them and concentrate on Bass (because they always bite) and other Chores at the Cabin/ Land. This past weekend I was up to fish Saturday afternoon and evening and planned on doing some Land prep on Sunday for some future food plots. Well the fishing part cooperated, but the much needed rain that fell until I left on Sunday (1 pm) did not allow me to get done what needed to on the land (Spraying Round Up).

I got up to the Cabin around noon on Saturday and immediately got out to hunt down some of the Active Bass that has been biting up there since the end of June. I started out right off the launch and my first cast with a Spinner bait to the weed edge proved to be true as I landed a nice 15”er. The 2nd and 3rd casts also found there mark as I landed 2 more Bass. I knew I was in store for a fun day as I worked heavy weed cover and docks the rest of the day. I mainly threw Spinners , Buzz and Scum Frogs the rest of the day. I might give the Bassers’ a hard time, but truth be told I love a good top water bite. A good top water bite is exactly what I experienced. Although #’s wise I experienced a great day, the true size this lake is capable and usually gives up was lacking today. I think the biggest one I boated was a nice 17.5”er. A nice fish, but rather small in comparison to what it usually gives up. This fish hit a frog while I was speed reeling trying to get the frog back to the boat when this Guy erupted and scared the BeJezuz out of me. My big fish spot only produced 2 fish for me today as it usually is good for a few Hoggs. I was having so much fun fishing top water I did not go back to that spot and toss a slower presentation (Worm) like I usually do. 5pm came quickly as I went in to get a bite to eat.

I was now determined to catch some Walleyes out of this lake in mid to late Summer. I went to a deeper (15’) spot that I have not visited for awhile and pulled spinners on a 3 way. After graphing what I thought were walleyes and not getting bit I changed up my spinner a few times as these eyes were staged up on the bottom of a under water point waiting to make there move up to the shallow weeds hump to feed for the evening. I finally found a blade and color scheme that seemed to be to there liking and had 2 short biters that gave my rod a few jerks before the hooks could find a spot to rest in. I spun around and went through them again and Bam Fish on. This one was a tad smaller, but a walleye none the less. It measure at 15.5” and went into the box. I turned around ad made another pass and caught a 5” perch??? Now I know why these eyes were down there and made sense why my BFN Hot Perch spinner produced bites when I had no luck with other colors. I barely got my spinner back down to the bottom and got my depth right when my rod doubled over. Now this was a bigger fish. After a short fight I ended up netting a 23.75” fish. Now I’m pumped. After a decade drought a figuring these fish out I think I’m onto something. Well it was this way until about 8pm and then boom the fish were gone and I’m guessing mad it up to the shallow weed hump (4-6 fow). I ended up pulling 4 fish form this spot 14”-23.75” and know instead of following those fish, I wanted to try another spot that has produced for me during the early season. I was graphing fish on a 50’ long steep break (7’-14’) that had a gravel, sand transition and they seemed to be holding in7-9 fow. Early season this spot looks good, but now with the weeds in full bloom the top of this break, it also had an outside weed edge. A few times through with Spinner sand no luck. I then thought about a presentation another IDA’er (Chad ) told me about and I thought to give it a whirl. Well, 1st time through and BAM a nice 18” fish that was my 2nd fish to be put into the box. I then had 3 nice bites in a row that ended in a swing and a miss. I ended the night with a nice 20” that found its way back into the water and still swimming.

It was just Rufus and I this weekend so I had to take self portraits. It was great to finally figure some of these walleyes out. Granted I have not spent a lot of time on this particular water in the last 4-5 years in mid to late Summer, but this lake had me absolutely stumped anytime after the 4th. In my opinion there are some awesome lakes in the McGregor area that often get overlooked. There are some beauty fish (Panfish, Walleyes, and yes Even BASS) that do not get much pressure after opener here. I think I counted less then 10 other fisherman in the evening and not sure if I even saw another guy fishing bass around me in the afternoon. I might just have to make another weekend out of it when I can get up there and get the food plot ready. Oh Shucks.

PS: I did end up catching a 8.75” gill in 15 fow water pulling spinners.

Until Next Time!


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Favorite thing is chasing Monster Bucks with a bow. Fishing eyes and chasing those ringnecks with my buddy Rufus is hard to beat! I fish Mille Lacs,Pool 2& Minnewawa the most. I run a Red Ranger 620 with Mercury's, Full Bio ›


  1. Nice report Rob!

    Have you ever tried going after weed walleyes on this lake? With a slight change of lures you might have got into the ‘eyes where you were bass fishing. I’ve done that on Goose and Rush lakes up by Rush City.


  2. Atta boy Rob! Great report!

    Sometimes a 23 inch walleye on a little lake is even more of an accomplishment than a 28 inch walleye on Mille Lacs!

    Way to go and I’m glad you figured them out!


  3. Thanks Guys!

    DD, my brother pulled a 21″ er a few weeks ago in the middle of the day in the same weeds using a Spinner bait in 4 fow. I have not put a lot of time into these weed fish, but have had some decent luck trolling the edges of them. SSSHHHHHH!

    Grifter, every year there are a few reports of 29-30″ fish coming off this lake. I have a feeling a few more do, but the locals keep it quiet. There are some decent sized eyes in this lake.

  4. Rob, I have fished big sandy since the early 80’s. It has always been hit and miss for me. Big there are some nice fish there. This year in June I and my brother only got into the 15 inchers. Kept a few for lunch. But there have been times, few, when I get the 18+ fish going and what a time it is. great report. Walleyes and weeds up there has nearly always been the ticket.

  5. You name the day Lip and maybe we can share some vast info!

    Nothing like some weed walleyes.

    I wish I knew you were up we could of shared a cold one at Ben’s!

  6. Thanks Guys!

    Shannon, it was a last minute trip. The main focus was suppose to be the food plot, but the rain on Sunday killed that plan.

  7. People don’t believe that you can get walleyes in 4 FOW in the middle of the day in July. But all you got to do is wade in a clear sandy stretch of water into a weedy patch and note the instant and big drop in temperature….. Comfortable water temps and lots of bait, of course there are ‘eyes in there.


  8. There is no walleyes in shallow weeds DD. They like it deep and Sandy/Rcoky this time of year. It is too hot and the light hurts there eyes.

  9. Lip – When are you going to quite this fishing nonsense and get back to the real issue at hand…getting your food plots ready

    You ready to drop the this Fall or what!! Only 51 more days and counting

  10. Nice report Rob,
    Yep, I always knew you were an, In the shadows kind of BASSIN’ guy.
    Got to love those Scum Frogs..

  11. Quote:

    Rob, I have fished big sandy since the early 80’s. It has always been hit and miss for me. Big there are some nice fish there.

    He wasn’t on Big Sandy they don’t have Bass or 29″ Walleyes.

    Great report.

  12. Good goin, Rob. It’s always nice when you finally figure something out you’ve been trying to work on for a while. I’m hoping to make some of these breakthroughs myself! Looking forward to seeing more fall walleyes from ya!

  13. Thanks Guys.

    Pier, Shhh

    Steve, I’m 90% hunting and 10% fishing right now.

    Thanks for the TIP CHAD.

    Brian, I have tried to figure them out for years, I gave up and then said, the heck with it I WILL figure them out. Keep trying, I guess is what I’m saying.

    It is amazing the knowledge and confidence I have gained through this stie in a few years.

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