Mille Lacs Smallmouth- BRF Trip

Chasing smallie is my passion; it also is for IDA member John Buzzel, better known as Johnnyb. John had the winning bid for the Mille Lacs Smallmouth trip that I offered up to raise money for the Brandon Rolen Foundation.

Since John was charitable enough to offer money to fish with me, I wanted to make this one trip that he would remember for awhile. After PMing John about his desires and then finding out where and how long his drive was, I offered John a multiple day trip. As you know, Mille Lacs seems to have a mind of its own with weather. I know that I would feel terrible if the one day that we picked was windy or storming. Good thing that we did, as day one had a north wind blowing straight down the lake, making finding a calm area nearly impossible.

We did find one small spot that held a few fish hanging off the edge of a shallow reef but the bite was slow because of the multiple weather fronts that moved through the area just hours before. John and I decided to keep searching for other fish; finding just one small bass, we pulled the boat out and headed to the north end of the lake, an area of Mille Lacs that I am not very familiar with. As we drove north, I made a call to a good friend looking for help. As it turned out, he was not much help as he doesn’t fish that area either. We launched out of the north end and found some calmer water, but the one area that I wanted to fish and had good luck with had some scuba divers on it so we were out of luck fishing that spot. We tried a few other areas but our efforts were just that. We pulled the boat out again and drove all the way around the lake just to make sure there were no spots calm enough to fish. Nothing was available, so we called it a day, catching just three small bass.

Day 2 was much better, as the wind switched directions, and for a while the lake laid flat. All my spots were good to go so we launched and started fishing. We starting seeing cruising fish almost immediately, always a good sign. We started fishing with tubes as I knew that the bite would still be slow so finesse fishing would be in order. After spending a short time in some heavily fished areas we moved to some lesser known areas and started catching some fish right away. Nothing like normal but they were biting and that was what this trip was all about. Spot after spot we moved catching a few here and there, we were in search of a good school of decent size smallies. One area we came to John cast and I think before the jig hit the water he had a fish, a solid 18 incher, not a bruiser but a nice fish in any lake anywhere in the country.

I try to net the majority of my smallies as I do not like to wear them out to the point of exhaustion. This can lead to some funny and heart stopping moments. If you have ever tried to net a smallmouth that is still somewhat green one never knows what is going to happen. Sometimes they slide into the net, sometimes the jump over the net, and if you are lucky and your prayers are answered, the fish jumps into the landing net. This fish was giving John everything he could handle. I grabbed the net, waiting for a chance to put it into the boat. This fish dove under the boat and then decided that he wanted to play around the outboard. I asked John to bring the smallie to me; he looked over his shoulder and said with a smile, “I am not in charge at the present time.”

We moved again and I eased the boat into an area that has held many big fish for me in the past. John and I were both standing on the front deck looking for big boulders that in this area that seems to hold the big bass. I told John that the back of the boat should be in prime water so he walked back and made a short flip and began to drag his tube. I was keeping look out for some rocks out in front when I heard John set the hook on smallie, another solid 18 incher.

The fishing was not fast and furious but we, mainly John, caught fish. Our trip consisted of mainly smaller fish, nothing over 19 inches, but I think that John got a good impression about Mille Lacs Lake and its famous smallmouth bass fishing. Our weather was the biggest factor but with stable weather the fishing should be very good. We did catch some of those other fish; John caught a 9 inch perch on a fat rap in an area that the wind was blowing in hard on a shallow rock reef. I was throwing a spinnerbait to mimic baitfish that should have been blown into the same area; I was getting bumps but not hooking anything, when I got pounded by a fish. “Alright it’s about time”, I was thinking. After a short fight I see that I have caught a 19-20 inch walleye in 5 to 6 feet of water — a first for me. I have caught walleye while fishing for smallies on tubes, senkos, jerkbaits, mepps spinners, and crankbaits, but never on a spinnerbait. Oh well, you just never know about fishing.

I would like to thank Johnnyb as well as all the other BRF auction winners. Without your generous bids, IDA would never have raised enough money to help Brandon and his family. Your generosity says so much for our members. IMO, the members of IDA are what make it the best fishing/hunting site on the net. I tip my hat to all of our members and a heartfelt thank you goes out to all of you for helping when you can.

Thanks Again,



  1. Thanks Again John,

    I hope this trip was all that you thought it would be, well just maybe bigger fish would have been nice


  2. I’m glad you guys got into some fish!! Yes, Mille Lacs can through a curve at you with the weather once in a while…..oh,

    and thank you for the treat you left me!!! man was that good with a tall glass of milk!!!

  3. Nice report Ron.

    18 to 19″ smallies may not be monsters, but there not small either and I don’t know of anyone who would complain about catching a bunch of them on a trip.

    Good job!


  4. Quote:

    nice work Ron, i hear the bite is just starting to take it’s summer shape up there and i hope i can make it up.

    It is, females recovering from spawn and the males almost done guarding fry. The bite will only get better, now if we can get the bug hatch finished. This summer should be as good as any.

  5. Quote:

    18 to 19″ smallies may not be monsters, but there not small either and I don’t know of anyone who would complain about catching a bunch of them on a trip.

    I know but with the great number of 19 and 20 inchers in Mille Lacs sometime you can come away with the feeling of a small letdown when you do not boat a bruiser or two. I had high hopes for John to get a big one, we did see some roaming that were pigs. I did see one that was the biggest that I have ever seen on Mille Lacs or at least close to it.

  6. Ron, were you bribing Bobber with chocolate cake for his smallie spots!?

    I will hand you my GPS for another piece of that!

    Great report bud!!!

  7. Quote:

    Ron, were you bribing Bobber with chocolate cake for his smallie spots!?

    I will hand you my GPS for another piece of that!

    Great report bud!!!

    All you need to do is take him fishing. Thats the reason I do.

  8. Quote:

    Ron, were you bribing Bobber with chocolate cake for his smallie spots!?

    I will hand you my GPS for another piece of that!

    Thanks Tuck
    Just name a time and day
    Heck for that info I might make it a whole cake, better get a few gallons of milk

  9. It was my pleasure to have been able to help out with Brandon’s fund raiser. I made my auction donation because it was the right thing to do. Getting to go fishing with a fellow Smallie fanatic on an incredible fishery like Mille Lacs was a bonus. What a bonus, Mille Lacs is a 7 hour drive from my home, therefore, I had never fished the lake. After Ron provided me an in depth look at the structure of the lake and it’s potential for world class Smallies, guess I am going to have to make Mille Lacs a regular trip in the future. The weather threw several curve balls at us, but with Ron’s extensive knowledge of the lake we were able to find and catch some awesome Smallies. Ron kept apologizing for the size of the fish, but I have to say down on the Mississippi where I live, the fish I caught in a couple of days with Ron, you probably would not see in a season. I really, really, really enjoyed my time on the water with Ron, if you ever have the opportunity to spend a day on the water with him do it…. You will not be disappointed.

    Oh by the way Ron, was getting very uneasy about weather or not I would ever give him back his tube rod. If I could have figured out a way he may not have gotten it back…..

  10. Congrats on a fun trip guys!
    Ron, your persistance surely paid off!
    Thanks for making me ansty to get out there someday!

  11. Quote:


    Ron, were you bribing Bobber with chocolate cake for his smallie spots!?

    I will hand you my GPS for another piece of that!

    Thanks Tuck
    Just name a time and day
    Heck for that info I might make it a whole cake, better get a few gallons of milk

    Just remember guys…I GOT the first whole cake
    Nice report Ron and doing it for the BRF

  12. Ron and John,
    Great read Ron, and Congrats on your couple of days up on ML.
    Great job with the 2 trip and helping the Foundation..

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