Well, she did it again.
When the weather heats up, so does Stacie’s ability to catch big fish. I’m not sure how she does it???? After spending an intense week of fishing and pre-fishing the pond over the last 7 days, I was able to go up there and let things slow down a little and relax. I have been on the pond for 10 days in a row and I can tell you first hand, the fishing is nothing short of phenomenal.
With Stacie starting a new job, graduating and me working & fishing we have not spent that much “QAULITY” time together. So this past weekend, we decided to spend it together. What??????????
She never said “Qaulity” time could not be spent chasing Monster Walleyes.
Read on to see how these two fish came to boat.
Saturday we spent the morning/afternoon rigging and pulling spinners on the mud. Then we shifted gears and went corking in the evening on the break of a familiar mud flat. Saturday brought some wind and sun, so we worked the edges of a few very familiar flats with a 10’ snell, red hook and a leech. We were working the 24-32’ depths and noticed that something had these fish a little more scattered then the past week. My guess is the weather that came through on Thursday and Friday had these fish not so concentrated along the edges. However, we wanted to rig so we kept at it and stayed working more of the bottom (deep) side of the break to put fish into the boat. I used my kicker to maintain us along the bottom side of the break, along with either 1 or 2 drift socks depending on the flat and side of it we were working. Saturday evening of corking we enjoyed a beautiful sunset while the wind laid down and it was actually calm where by the end of the night you needed your anchor straight down and you still twirled in circles. The corking bite, like normal came in frenzies and flurries. Where you would see nets get busy neeting fish for 5 minutes and then it would get quiet for awhile until it started up again. Stacie put on a clinic for me and the rest of the people around us.
As Stacie and some other lady in the boat a couple down from us had the hot sticks of the night. We were anchored in 26-27 feet of water on again the break /edge of the flat. Stacie’s secret weapon was a red glow jig.
Sunday came and it was hot and flat calm. We did not get out right away, but by the time we did it was packed on every flat we drove by and with out seeing much action, we switched gears and decided it was time to troll cranks. With the crowds of boats up top on the flats and the fish seemingly to be scattered the day before, I thought the areas just off the flats and “no mans land” would be a good place to start. Well it was a good decision because we barely got the 2nd rod out and sat down when the drag starts to scream on my Shimano Tekota as I look back to see the board bouncing in the water indicating “FISH ON”.
Stacie brings the fish to the boat on a Hot Tiger (Fire Tiger) Deep Tail Dancer and ties her biggest Walleye to date shown here in the 3rd picture. The Fire Tiger pattern seemed to be the ticket on this day. I tried different Deep Tail Dancers and Reef Runners, even Cheap Sunglasses, but the fish consistently came in on Fire Tiger Patterns. I ended up throwing a growing favorite Reef Runner of mine on (Mixed Veggies –Fire Tiger Colors) and that started slamming fish. I worked 2 different schools of fish and the bite was on FIRE on one of them and the other school we never got bit from???
We hadbeen fishing 32-36 feet of water most of the day. We ended up the day on the double shown in the first picture above. As Stacie got tired of reeling in boards all day she wresorted to sunbathing and reading a magazine on the bow. On our last pass a board gets hit and as I was reeling it in, the other board starts “jumping” in the water. I called for Stacie to reel in that one as I reeling in my fish I stop to take her board off and continue to reel and net my fish as Stacie is bring in hers and next thing you know we have two fish in the net.
What a great way to start the board season
I’m really looking forward to the next few weeks. I seen a ton of people pulling boards this past Sunday, it is catching on definitely out there.
Well to recap, the fish are being taken everywhere doing about any technique. Some days you need to work a little bit to get them or change presentations, but they are biting somewhere. True Water temps are probably around 65-66 degrees. However I did see 70.6 on my sonar yesterday with the Sun, heat and flat conditions, I’m guessing that was just surface temp. I took a swim or 2 to cool off yesterday, and it felt more like 60.
All methods are taking fish just about everywhere. Corking, Pulling Spinners, Rigging, Trolling, etc are all methods that are working right now. Any where from Mud to Gravel, to Shallow and Deep Rocks are giving up fish. Look for transition areas 22-26 during the day and as shallow as 6-7 feet at night are taken fish. The night ban is finally lifted, so I’m looking forward to spending some late nights Corking under the moon with some buddies, but also looking forward to that cranking bite to heat up. I’m really looking forward to getting some new people out on the water and hopefully be taking my nephew and niece out a few times and get them on some fish. Until next time, be safe on the water and may you find your next bite.
Saturdays Sunset

In case you missed it Tuck, here it is.
Nice fish Stacie…
Rob, I guess you get credit for boat control..

Nice going Rob and Stacie
Great looking fish!!! 
Ahhh yes the summer is back upon us again
Great report Rob once again 
Nice fish you two! Wow! Can’t wait to get out there and give it a whirl myself.
Nice report on a great fishery! Thanks for the update Rob
Rob, what style off Reef Runners are you using??
Going up this weekend
Thanks Guys and Angie!
Hey Cal remind me to tell you about Saturday night corking.
I tend to like the Deep Diving Reef Runners better for most days. It dives to the HOT ZONE without any help. On cold front days I will use the Deep Lil’ Ripper for the fish 26′ and above. I also use Super line so I’m able to achieve greater depths than Mono.
Has anyone seen the DIVE Curve on the Rapala Deep Tail Dancer #9’s (not the #13’s) yet??? If so please PM me.
Good luck to anyone fishng this weekend. If you see me give me a
Great report, even better fish!
I only have 1 request……Please exclude your picture next time.

Awesome – You the man!

Oh…I didn’t miss it!
Nice job you two
Hey, don’t forget to stop back in the woods, we are just down the road ya know 
I was going to put up a report, but it would be almost a carbon copy. Fri and sat I was able to put in at a north end resort, take it easy out to our fishing spot, and just work one area for the whole guide trips, catching fish the whole time. The boat never got on plane!
Great Report Rob and Stacie,

keep those coming.
Great read…
Pm sent on the TD-09
Way to go Lip and Stacie , Great fish and pictures…

Maybe see you on the water this weekend
Nice pictures Stacie way to go..
Nice fish Stacie
Rob one day she may teach you her secrets. 
Atta boy Lip!
Awesome report and you gotta love that pic of Stacie holding two big piggies at the same time.
Lindy Riggin, Spinner Riggin, Corkin and Crankin! It just doesn’t get any better than that!
Mixed Veggies you say? I just might have to wipe the dust off of that one.
I’m headed back up there again tomorrow night.
Hey Rob!
I have a technical question for you. Why pull boards when you are fishing in 25+ feet and you only have a couple of lines out? I have some ideas why; but I want to hear your reasoning. Thanks sir!
Great report again sir!
Thanks Guys & Mrs Hooks
Next time Stacie and I are up, I promise we will stop down to the Huekriede Compund!
Jack I got your PM.
Brad See your email and yes Mixed Vegggies has been good to me last year and so far this year.
Coppertop, I hope she shows me how it is done.
Joel, Here is an answer to a similar asked question back from a report in July 2005.
Joel see PM! 
With all that said above, Can you still catch fish long lining cranks out the back??? You sure can, but I’m into increasing my odds every bit I can, and I know for a fact that most days running boards does this for me in lieu of no boards.
If anyone reads FLW Walleye Magazine, there wa s a great article on boards a few months back (April???)
I thought you might be thinking about spooking fish. I didn’t know the size of these schools is so enormous. I would imagine on really clear lakes like Mille Lacs or one of the Great lakes that makes sense. I’ve become to used to the Muddy Miss where boat spookage may not be as big an issue. Thanks sir! I’ll check that PM now.
Rob- You’ve got a keeper there, don’t throw her back. Nice report.