It was another great weekend to be fishing pool 2. For a change the wind was down a little. The rain was light, and for saturday boat traffic was not to bad. Casting wingdams was my main focus again this weekend. Its been hard to tear away from this approach. Anticipation of feeling that walleye hit the lure and quality fish you are rewarded with is all the reason I need to stick with this bite. Hear is a photo of a nice 28" reward that hit a purple/white tail ringworm 1st thing saturday morning. TBO had taken a 29" fish off of this same spot last weekend. Also on the same color ringworm.
Casting a variety of lures to each wingdam is still the norm for my boat. Crankbaits, BfishN plastics and jigs, and hair jigs have all taken fish. Hair jigs did seem to slow a little in the last week. Its funny how what the walleyes want will change from dam to dam. That 28"er hit a jig/plastic after pitching a crankbait to it several times. Next dam down I started with plastics to find nothing. 2 cast with a crankbait and this 26.5" slammed a bomber. You just never know what they will want. This was a good start to the morning.
Saturday afternoon I decide to switch gears for awhile and see what was going with the trolling bite. It didnt take more than a few minutes to see there was fish going here also. My approach was to just long line some deeper running crankbaits on current breaks. Red walleye divers took a number of fish including this nice 26"er. There seems to be good numbers of fish going trolling but the size just didnt seem to be what the wingdams where holding.
Sunday I was able to sneak out again for a couple of hours with a couple of my favorite fishing partners. Emily and Christina. We hit some trolling runs around hidden falls and the confluence. There was a ton of boat traffic out there today to make fishing a challange but we where still able to pick up a few fish. Once again long lining crankbaits was the approach here. Here is Emily with a nice walleye she caught.
Here is Christina with a nice pike she hauled in all by herself and then her sister netted it for her. They where unable to lift it into the boat so I got to help there.
The photo.
Ran into this guy hanging out around lower pool 2 on saturday also. Here is a action shot of him with a nice walleye released boat side. Think that splash was the fish spitting the hook. Good to see you back on the water Jon.
Lots of good fishing going on on the river right now. get out and enjoy the fun.
How did ever one else do this weekend?
Very nice fish Mike. Thanks for the report and pics.
Thanks, Bill
Great report Mike. Now that is a great way of beating the Gas prices. Catching big eyes right here in town.

That smile says it all. Congrats to the little Westman fisherladies, showing Dad how it is done
“W” you never fail to impress
, when the hell are we going to get out. Your busy fishing schedule seems to be keeping you booked, and you’re hardly finding any time for your plumbing hobbie
Give me a call to see if wednesday works for you. 
Nice looking fish Mike!
My sons and I got out on upper P2 on Saturday. We trolled a bunch of fish along the lip of the drop into deeper water. After awhile, we swung down past the no-wake zone to hit some wing dams south of the airport. We picked up a 25.5″ walleye on the first dam pitching crank baits. After noticing the darker clouds building, we decided it was time to head back to the landing.
All-in-all a very good day.