The upper end of Pool 4 is producing some very nice eyes.
With the weather changing on a daily basis and the water temp not warming like I would like to see it, I have been sticking with the jigs. Add to that alot of patience and persistence. The results some nice eyes.
I had the chance to share my boat this week with a father son team from Indiana, Darrel and Mike Neeld.
This first photo is of Mike with his first Minnesota walleye a nice 27 and 3/4 incher.
Great job Mike that is a nice fish.
We were dragging jigs with leeches, crawlers, and cats.
Our target areas were 6 to 13 foot depths. With some clam beds thrown in.
Here is Jim Crussel from Spring Valley.
This is a nice eye he caught today on a crawler pulled over some wood.
This fish came on a jig and crawler.
Nice fish Jim and it was a great morning with you and Glen until the Thunder and torrid rains came.
The numbers were not there but we caught a couple nice eyes.
Hope to see you on the river.
It was great to fish with you guys.
This fish was taken just before the rain today.
She came on a 1/16 oz jig and crawler.
The wind was a fun factor today and then the rain came, wow did it ever.
I think we should have left a half hour earlier then we did. When I did decide to high tail it to Everts the sky opened and unloaded on us.
What a down pour.
We made it back to the resort and ran for the bait shop, where Dean had a smile and some nice hot fresh coffee.
Thanks Dean.
This last photo is of Mike Anderson.
Heeee’s Back!!!!!!! for the summer of 2007.
Man what a start. These fish were taken on hair jigs after the big thunderstorm.
Nice job Mike he hogged all the fish on me today.
I had a half day guide trip out of Everts resort so Mike rode along and Dean kept him busy until I was finished at noon. Mike was eager to get his first summer walleyes. So about a half hour after the storm we went out and he out fished me…All his fish came on black bucktails.
Great job Mike.
Here is Darrel with a nice eater eye.
Here is the father son team with some fish for the trip home.
Great job guys and it was a pleasure fishing with you.
Here is Mike with a realease picture of his fish.
All of our big fish were photoed and released.
Good luck out there and have fun the bite is on.
Give Dean a call and make a trip to the resort and get in on the action.
Take care and hope to see you on the water.
Great Job Greg!
It was the best time we’ve ever had on the river! You are a great teacher! Thanks for sharing all the info. We’ll be back but now we’ll have more fun ’til then!
Jim & Glen
Nice report and very Nice fish.
Keep them coming..
Awesome Report and pic’s. Great job Greg.
Is it me or does Mike the fish catching machine get bigger hair every summer?
Great report Greg! I think the GTG will be a hoot this year, the bite should be going strong with multiple presentations working. Mike is turning into quite the young man—they grow so fast.
Thanks guys,
Hey Cory yes I have been thinking of a way to weave all that hair into a seining net and catching our own live bait or maybe since we use so many hair jigs I can come up with a new style jig.
Ahh I had better leave him alone I guess I am just jealous cause mine won’t grow.
Redneck congrates to you and Jr. on your great finish in the Pooh Bear. Yes they do,time goes by way to fast. I am just trying to enjoy it while it is here. Mike is a great young man.
Take care hope to see you on the water soon.
Alway looking forward to your reports Greg!
I was looking to talk with you while you were at Everts, but I’m sleeping when your fishing!
uhg… Cat guys!
Nice report Greg. It was good to see you at Everts.
Nice report again Vandy. Might catch ya on the river this weekend.

Looks like you and Mike are having a great time! Good to see you two on the water the other day. Lindy had one nice fish after we talked to you last Sunday, now we’re off the water for a couple weeks

Hope to you both the 22nd
Hey Wade it was good to see you guys out and enjoying the Pool 4 bite.
Hey Eric sorry we missed you today.
Hey Brian you should be here this weekend the bite is on.
Hey Sean how was your wedding???