Pool 2 Wingdam Walleyes

The last few days I have been hitting pool 2 trying to get caught up on the wingdam bite. With high south winds and lower water levels than what I like to see this time of year the fishing has been a bit of a challenge. But with a little time and effort pool 2 still has some good walleyes to give up.

Pitching deep diving crankbaits and jigs/plastics to the top and face of wingdams has been my main focus. As far as crank baits go 6A Bombers are still my go to crankbait. Ticking them across the top of the dams and then pause the bait as they are coming off the face seems to be the ticket for getting these fish to strike. When you get the presentation right the fish will let you know. Hold on tigth to those poles.

As far as pitching jigs go beefing up the jig size and thumping down the face of the dam and threw the front troughs seems to help find the walleyes that dont want a crankbait for dinner. 1/4oz H2O jigs and up is what I have been using to get down there. Purple/white tail ringworms have been working also. Some of these eyes will give you a good solid smack. Others will seem to just make the jig disappear on the end of the line. Make sure and throw some varity of lures at those fish. Not all fish on one spot want the same bait.

As far as river condition go water levels seem to be a little low for this time of year. Hopefully some rain this week will bring them back up a little.

The 494 landing is in good shape. Watch out on the north ramp as there is some rebar from the old bridge sticking out of the water just north of the dock.

South winds have been tough to fish in lately. Throwing out a drift sock or leaving the motor run in reverse against the anchor has help with holding boat position.

Good luck to you guys that are getting out there.

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Mike W

45, self employed at HomeTown Plumbing Inc., 1 wife, 3 kids. Enjoy fishing rivers in MN. N St Croix, N Miss, Pool 2, Pool 4, and always looking for a new river to try. Spend most of my time chasing Full Bio ›


  1. Thanks for the report and techniques Mike. Learning more about fishing wingdams is something we all should learn more about. Not enough of us fish them regularly due to there just isn’t enough info out there on how to fish them properly under different situations. Thanks.
    Thanks, Bill

  2. Mike! I’m long overdue for a pool 2 excursion.
    And I hear you about the winds! Seems like we get about 1 calm day for every 6 windy days lately. But Us wally gise like dat chop dontcha know.


  3. Heres my rain dance. . Atleast there was enough flow on most areas to get the drift sock to work.

  4. Thanks John. I have seen better fishing this time of year but there are still plenty to catch. Have you been getting out?

  5. i’d like to learn more about wing dams. do you concentrate more on the upriver side, or the down river side? should i troll parallel to them? close to shore or out on the tips near the channel? how can you pick one out that looks more promising than the others? any tips will be appreciated. thanx. troy

  6. Welcome to IDA Viafan!

    Look up Jarrad’s article on Winddam fishing. There are also many other articles here that you may find helpfull. Many questions that everyone has about wing dam fishing Jarrad answers in this read. Enjoy and ask questions!

    IDA articles

  7. Welcome to the site vaifan88. Gary suggestion on doing soe research on wingdams on this site is a good on. There are a lot of different approachs that can be used to fish them. Steve Dezurick on this site has a lot of past info on them also.
    To answer your qustions. I like to work the upper side of the wingdam.
    I dont spend much time trolling them. Others do and Most seem to run parallel to them. Most of my time is spent anchoring and pitching to the top and face of the dam.

    As far as where to fish on the dam it depends a lot on the flow of water hitting it. More current move closer to shore. Less move out towards the tip. Time spent fishing wingdams will tell help tell you how fish are relating to them.

    HOw to find a good one. Here again time on the water will show you. A few rules of thumb to go be are look at dams on the outer bends of the main channel. Look for dams that top out at around 5′. Dams that seem to have flatter tops or blow holes threw thm may provide better ambush areas for the walleyes. Wingdams that have good current breaks on them should be looked at also.

    Once again time on the water is the best advice. Keep moving to different wingdams. Get the feel of how to fish each one. Not all fish the same way. also dont over look day markers and any other rock structures that have current on them. My #1 spot right now is a small rock pile with a good current seam coming off of it at one point.

    Good luck and make sure to report on what you are finding.

  8. Go get them Bobber. They where still biting today. They didnt want the crankbaits so much today. Caught most of my fish on black hair jigs. Good luck if you get out and wecome to the site.

  9. I was on the river early this morning (Monday 5/28). Couldn’t get any crankbait bites on the wingdams, so I switched it up to a black hair jig, and got a 23 & 21″r. So in other words, Mike’s pattern from the other day is still working. Good luck everybody

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