Mille Lacs Lake fishing report 5-17-07

The fishing today was hot!! My neighbor Jeff S. came up for the weekend and joined me for an afternoon on the pond. I wanted to fish today and tommorrow prefishing for this weekends MTT tourney. We got on the water shortly before noon and made our first stop.

I wanted to fish some of the rock to sand transition areas that I had done well on the past opening weekend. Our first stop we lindy rigged with leeches in 20-22 fow. The fish didn’t cooperate as well as I had hoped. We pulled one over and one slot in the first hour.

At 1pm I made our first move to another area. This proved to be our best move of the day! On our first pass we had doubles on twice. Again it was a lindy rig with a leech. The depth we were working was from 18-22 fow. The fish in this area were really stacked up….once you had one on you had another very shortly!!!

We caught our limit of 16-18 inch fish in less than 3 hours. And released two fish over the slot and put two small ones back. Not bad for a quick trip on the pond with my good friend Jeff. I know where he will be fishing tommorrow!!! he just better leave a few for my tourney days this weekend.

If you are on the fence about making a trip up to Mille Lacs, make your plans now and get on up here! The fish are biting and you need to take advantage of it.

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. Thanks for the report Bob, It’ll be a long wait for me til Memorial weekend. Good luck this coming weekend, make us proud.

  2. Thanks for the report Bob. Thats good to hear the fish are bitting…cant wait to get up there in a coupel of weeks. Good luck this weekend….

  3. Bob, you holding up the stringer makes me think back to the old days when you saw people with stringers in pictures alot.
    GOOD LUCK this weekend

    Joeman….you finially post!!!!!

  4. Well whata know!! Welcome Joe!! glad your signed on to this great site. You will read and learn a good share of information.

    The picture with the stringer is Jeff S.

  5. Quote:

    Bob, you holding up the stringer

    I will bring an eye chart up next weekend and we can test Denise. You can start to practice already if you want Denise.

    Thanks for the report Bobber!

  6. I would have to agree with Bob! fishing was great!
    Started off yesterday around 830 and my goal was to try a little bite of everything. I started by trolled a #7 clown shad rap along the 14′ to 18′ depths along the base of the rock breaks, picked up 2 (17″ & 19″)by 900 and decided they just weren’t there in the numbers. went out to 2mile and rigged the north end along the transitions. picked up another 4 by 1000 and thought this was going to be it but it came to a hault and didn’t get a bite in the next 30 min. tried further off, nothing, tried up on top, nothing so by 11 am I ran out to the flats, started on the boot and was running some leadcore with the same # 7 clown and picked up 2 both being the bigger fish at 23″ and 25.5″ the wind was coming from the sw so after trolling up the boot I would drift back down with a spinner rig and a crawler. picked up one little guy at 12″. next two passes with the rap got me one more 23″er. and that was it. went back out to the flats for more trolling and caught 2 at 24″ and 26″ one on a #10 husky in firetiger in 35′ between 2 flatsand one on a down deep in perch as i was coming up the side of a flat. then it was like the light switch went on and from 7-9pm I caught 14 fish from 17″ to 26.5″ in 10-12 fow off big pt. just a red gammy and a leech about a foot off the bottom. for the day I put two in the bucket both 18″ers. Couldn’t find any kickers that I was looking for on the flats but the slots are abundant everywhere else! they are spread out and on the chew! This weekend should be interesting and fun!

  7. Quote:


    Bob, you holding up the stringer

    I will bring an eye chart up next weekend and we can test Denise. You can start to practice already if you want Denise.

    Thanks for the report Bobber!


  8. Quote:

    Wow! Careful DMAN, it’s a long summer.

    He KNOWS what a neighbor can do to his place

    I never enlarged the picture so that is why I thought it was Bob. Now that I enlarged it I see my error

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