Mille Lacs Lake Opening Weekend Report 5-12-07

Wow, what a weekend!!! Finally we had the opportunity to fish a Minnesota Walleye Opener and experience nice weather!! The walleye fishing wasn’t too bad either!!! This weekend I was lucky enough to share my boat with Dave Koonce owner of B-Fish-N-Tackle. Dave and I enjoyed some very good fishing.

We spent most of our time and efforts lindy rigging the sand breaks along the northeast corner of the lake. The depth was between 14 and 22 fow. We found most of our slot fish falling in the 16-17 inch range. We had a handfull of 18 and 19 incher’s mixed in with our limits. We also enjoyed catching numerous fish in the 23-25 inch range. Our biggest fish of the weekend made the 27 inch mark with both Dave and I catching one apiece. Early morning hours from 8 am to midday provided the hottest action.

As I mentioned earlier we lindy rigged with 7-8 foot snells tied up with a red hook and glow bead just ahead of the hook. This was rigged with a large leech! Dave and I never kept track of our total catch for the weekend….but I would guess that we boated around 60-80 walleye between the two of us.

Saturday was the nicer of the two days with light east/southeast winds. Sunday on the other hand brought us a stiff southeast wind in the forenoon making time on the water a little more work! I’m still swaying in my chair as I’m writing this fishing report!!! But after a weekend that Dave and I had….it’s worth it!! I know Dave will add his pictures to this report also, along with all the other IDA memeber’s and staffer’s.

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Bob Carlson

I am a retired guide on Mille Lacs. I have 50 years of experience fishing Mille Lacs Lake.


  1. WOW…Awesome start to your season Bob!
    I plan on similar tactics when our LBDN opener comes Tuesday…
    Hey Dave! Couldn’t you talk Bobber into dragging some Paddletails?

    You guys really put the hurt on those Eyes!

  2. It was a great weekend of fishing. It was good seeing everyone. Congrats to Calvin Shivel and Ron Clark on there 1st place win of the Big “D” 15th annual and Bobber and Koonce on a close 2nd.

    I will add a few pics.

    My partner Mike Heinen with a 28″

  3. It was great!!!!

    it takes a little bit of food to feed 40 hungry fisherman…and it was served up!!! not one person could eat another piece of fish!!! not even me! I ate one other time Saturday afternoon after consuming all that food

  4. What a great weekend! The fry on Friday night was fabulous, if you left hungry it was your own fault.
    The friendly bantering going on between the guys is always a hoot.

    Here is the sunrise on Saturday morning, rising over Hunters.

  5. That 26″ probably weighed 2 pounds more than the 28″! Right behind her back fin in front of the tail was worn ragged from spawning. A few of the males had battle scars too.
    What a fun weekend! This is going to shape up to be a fantastic season! Many “Eaters” in that 16-17″ range!
    It was great to see everyone after the long hard winter!
    Thanks to Big D for allowing us to have the bash at the Compound!
    Tell the Mrs. that the hostas around the deck will grow back!

  6. the weekend was exactly what the doctor ordered for this guy Bobber you are the host with the most buddy, thanks for puttin up this this old river guy

    Big D, you did a fantastic job putting this tourney together. The food fixins were great too

    The picture included in this post is the shot of Bob’s livewell at the end of day one we “WERE” in first at this point…

  7. here is a pic of a great friend…we all know this fella..It sure was GREAT to see you again buddy…Love the wheels too !!!

  8. This is the group of teams! Wow has this really grown in the years. Doug puts on a great one! It was great to see everyone Congrats to Calvin, Bob and Dave

  9. Thanks for the invite Big D!!!!! Also like to thank the Hooks residence! Thanks Josh for couch on Friday night!!!

    Good to see the everyone again!

    Hey big G “go feed these to your cats”

  10. Quote:

    The picture included in this post is the shot of Bob’s livewell at the end of day one we “WERE” in first at this point…

    I heard Bob talking to JAG on the radio Saturday night, and heard Bobber tell him you guys were in 1st place…I leaned over and told ElRoy (Reload) that Bobber just initiated the “What’s it gonna take?” curse.

    Matt??? You ran off! Didn’t we have something to talk about?

  11. Good Job Calvin and Ron The cats would have been stuffed, with the catch you guys had…

    big g

  12. Great Tournament as always Big D.

    Congrats to Calvin and his partner for taking 1st and to Bobber and Koonce for a strong 2nd place finish. Hope you guys can make it back next year!!!!

    See ya on the water.


  13. Thanks again Dman, great tourny once again! It was nice to meet some new people, and great to see those I’ve met before. The fishery is sure healthy, we had trouble finding any that were small enough to boat. Have a safe and fun season everyone.

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