Mississippi River Flathead Report 5/9/07

As we left the docks of Everts Resort, I said to my fishing partner, In-DepthAnglings Field Staff Larry Haugh….it’s going to be a good night. With the water temps in the mid 60’s and the flow in the mid 20,000 cfs, I felt it was a little early for the awesome pre-spawn action to take place….but I was confident we would get into some type of action. It was just a feeling!

We were the “one hit wonders” with Larry’s 38.25 lbs Flathead pictured here.

When the water hits the magic 70 to 75 degrees…our favorite whiskered fish will be chomping on everything in sight getting ready to make their nest and do what nature has programmed them to do. Spawn. If the weather continues on the current trend, next week is going to be the week that the Catfishing Forum<< on In-DepthAngling to really light up with MANY BIG cat pictures!

The boys on the Minnesota River and Pool 2 of the Mississippi have been showing good signs of Flathead activity already. Of course the walleye guys have been catching a few on cranks as they always do each spring. But that’s ok…we catch a few walleyes on our live bullheads too. (photo from last year)

Larry and I were using suckers from Jimmy’s Bait Shop in Stillwater and bullheads from Bob Moore’s Bait and Tackle in Mpls. Both baits were very lively which is needed for attracting the mighty Flathead. Larry’s third largest flathead came from a six inch bullhead last night.

When Larry set the hook…he said “ugghh…that’s solid” and the fight was on! The cat headed for the wood cover. For a moment I thought Larry was going to follow her. With his drag cranked down as tight as it could go, it really ends up being tug of war with the cat! The cat’s goal is to get back into the snags under the water and Larry’s goal was to keep her from making it there. During the fight (as I was sipping on my diet coke) Larry was telling me (between groans) about his bruises on his belly from the Sturgeon Excursion that hadn’t healed. This cat seemed to know that with each head shake, it would dig the rod into his stomach more. The cat pumped the rod down toward the water…Larry made another painful groan…I took another sip of diet coke. After a few minutes it was clear Larry was winning the battle. She came up hot and said to us…”I don’t think so!” and down she went. With our first glance at her, I notice that Larry’s eyes seemed larger than normal. I guess she surprised both of us with her weight although my partner was much closer on an estimate that I was.

We gave her a quick measurement and weighed her, couple of pics and off she went to work on making babies for our kids to fish for.

Thanks for a great trip again Larry! I know when I’ve had good company when I’m thinking it’s about midnight and it turns out to be 3 a.m.!

PS You take good photo’s in your new Gamehide Jacket! (hope you washed it!)

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›


  1. Pug, Larry and I talked about asking you along…but we both agreed that you might go to the front of the boat and start clonking.

    We both said…Naaa!

  2. I hope you guys didn’t get the fish from my spot this weekend

    Nice Fish Mr. Flatcaster, I continue to be impressed by your skills Congrats

    An a side note, I had a meeting in Mpls yesterday, so I stopped by this little known bait store run by a guy by the name of Bob Moore. All I can say is WOW

    I came completely unprepared to bring home bait, but Bob hooked me up with a 5 gallon pail, small air pump, and all the bait I could handle. I got to look at all the rods I have been reading about in one place. He sure packs a ton of stuff in a small area. Thanks BOB

  3. Thanks for the detailed report Brian. That is one lovely looking Flathead Larry has there. I want to leave work right now and get out on the water. Alas, it will have to wait. Great post!

  4. Quote:

    Will you be cattin at the GTG?

    Not sure Ben. I’ve left Saturday night open because with the daytime activities…I might fall asleep at the wheel!

  5. hey guys im new to the site i grew up in the grand rapids area and am a walleye fisherman but for the last 2 years have been night fishing for flatheads with no luck at all i try suckers bullheads you name it ive threw it down there and the girl friend likes to go but thinks its really boring so was woundering if anyone would share some spots and tips i do know the river pretty good but only pool 4 and the vermillion so any help would be awsome thanks see ya on the water oh and what do you mean by the flow thanks

  6. Love your handle!

    and Welcome to IDA!

    I have to run right now…but I’m going to post your question in the Catfish Forum HERE<<

    I’m sure the cat guys will help you out before I get back!

  7. I’m leaving the lights on for you three Wade!

    I should have all the beginning of the season kinks out by then….

    Mark, everything seems to be going faster this year!

    …since your a wallabi guy, I thought we would practice on those white bass first. Wouldn’t want to give you too much fish all at once don’tchasee.

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