Since we where not able to attend the great sturgeon excursion this year last weekend was our chance to get in on this great bite going on at the mouth of the Rainy river where it dumps into Lake of the Woods. Thursday afternoon MNfishHUNT, pdw and myself loaded up and head out for what was going to be a very memoirable 2 and a half days of fishing. Here is a photo of how the trip got started friday morning with myself hooking into a a upper 40" fish. This was just the start of things to come.
Our 1st day on the water was nothing short of amazing. There where lots of sturgeon hooked and lots of big sturgeon landed.
Mike hooked into a upper 50" fish around noon that I thought had a run for big fish of the day but Nate came on strong at the end of the day with hooking one 40" and above after anouther. Here is a photo of Nates big fish for friday. 61"s. Look at the smile on that face.
Tackle we used for landing these fish was pretty standard river fishing bottom rigs. Just a little up sized. Line weights where 50 and 80# test tied to a swivel. After breaking a few fish off I would suggest 80# power pro. After the swivel we ran short 1′ snells tied to large circle hooks. On that main line we used 2 and 3 ounce slip sinkers. 2 to 3 crawlers on a hook. Anchor up and let them soak on the bottom.
The next photo is of Nate and myself with a double we had Friday afternoon. Talk about square dancing around the boat trying to get these to in. They where even tangled under the boat at one time. The last Photo is of Mikes final run at big fish for the weekend that fell just short of Nates at 60"s. I still dont think Mike was disappointed. In all we caught around 60 sturgeon for just over 2 days fishing. A little over half where true quality fish. If you have never tryed this type of fishing before it is truely a once in a life trip that can be repeated for years to come.
Almost forgot to throw a plug in for wigwam resort. Judy and company put us up in a nice cabin for the weekend. With Wigwam being just maybe a 1/4 mile from the access you couldnt ask for a better set up. Judy even jumped in with us on Sunday to help us locate some of those big sturgeon. The fish where running a little smaller on sunday with 30s and 40″ers coming in. They where biting pretty good. Here is a double Judy and Mike got in. What a fun day.
Here is my big one for the trip. 55″s. You can not believe the power of these fish. 15 to 20 minute battles are common when fishing with the proper rods and line. Any thing smaller is going to take up a lot of your time and not be so good for the fish.
I like these action shots. Those rods got a heck of a work out up there. The joke of the trip was if you had both the butt of the rod and tip going the same direction you had a big fish on. This happened several times. After saying this I need to thank TBO for lending Nate and I our tackle. Joe had made these poles and did a very good job on them. We worked them out every way they could be and they stood up to the test. Thanks again Joe. Heres a photo of some of the abuse we did to your tackle.
Another. Nate getting his fish photoed and me working on the next one.
Heres a good photo of Mike working on a 55″er. He was working on breaking in a brand new “Boss” rod that he picked up thursday morning from Moores bait and tackle. How did that work for you Mike?
What was on the end of that pole.
that trip was just amazing for lack of better words. that boss rod stood up very nice, and now I am hopeing next year to get a 70″ on it
I want to add on here a plug for moores bait. I stoped in there thursday morning and was able to get set up with everything I needed for the trip. even the 80 pp HiVis that he was out of when I walked in. but good old bob pulled through and I was able to fill up my spool with 80 pp HiVis, thanks bob
Being in mike w’s boat has been a huge part of my life for many years. We’ve done everything from ice fishing to deep sea fishing the pacific together. This trip ranks right up there at the top. My first sturgeon ever, what a way to start! Special thanks to Judy for the amazing hospitality at wigwam resort. And TBO- I owe you one. The setups were outstanding. Nate
Great Trip you guys,
Sure would be fun.
Looks like you fellas had a blast. I think I’m gonna have to get my butt up there next year!
Theres still plenty of time to catch these fish this year. I know there are a few guys heading up this weekend. Sure wish I could of went back this weekend.
BK and I will be there… with the film crew.
Please… wish us up a 70″!
Looks like a hellava time there, Mike! A lot better than pulling in a few tiny eyes and a few white bass on the mighty miss!!!
Will be calling ya soon (after opener) for some trips on the rum… gonna hook you up with some eyes that will rival (ok, not quite) them sturgeon!!!
I don’t see it slacking off just yet. Just got off the phone with a contact right there and it’s still happening. I may even end up there myself this weekend. Good luck filming, hope you get what you’re after…Nate
go get them nate
good luck to you 
Got my blood pumping again Mike! The photo’s of the heavy rods bent over…just trips my trigger!
Have worms, will travel!
i only wish i was going back up there this weekend, but
a cant
Very impressve guys!
I think your trip turned out to truly be a *trip of a lifetime*!
Awesome Report Mike.
Man those fish look like fun.

Stacie and I might have to break up there next year.

Good luck James & BK

Note to self……..”I have got to put that on my list of things to do before I die!!!!”
Thats looks like so much fun. I cannot imagine too many things that would be as fun as piling a bunch of your buddies in a boat and having creatures like this wear you out all day long!
Cool report Mike!
Awesome pics. and report!
Looks like a trip every fisherman has to take at least once in there lifetime.
A perfect boat for this would be a pontoon if you could somehow get closer to the water for landing these fish. 10 guys, hanging out listening to french radio stations. Of course you would have to take the top off so you would fluently do the sturgeon dance.
Hey Kooty, to get better reception all you need is a Larson Custom Bouncer Antenna. They are very reasonably priced as well.
Not to mention, it also makes a good multi use tool
Topless dancing? That would make the sturgeon fishing interesting. Oh wait, you meant take the boat top off