Pool 4 Wet Walleye Report 3-31-07

Well with over one and a half inches of rain in the last 48 hours, the spring bite has rocketed into full bloom.

The water temps are running 43 to 46 degrees. The air temps in the upper 40’s to low 50’s. The winds were out of the east south east 10 to 15 mph. The rains on Saturday were much stronger then on Friday, but the fish didn’t seem to mind.

I had the privilege to fish with some class acts the last couple of days. This first photo is of Brad Gilbertson from Byron MN. This was the first fish to the boat on Saturday morning. It was great fishing with you Brad.

Saturday the day started out dry for about 40 minutes. Then it was relentless soakings all day long. I had to bilge the boat twice during the day.

Brad and I opted to pitch the wood with ringworms and bucktails. The ringworms hands down out produced the bucktails for size of fish on this day. We were using 1/4 and 3/8 B fish N jigs, orange and sour apple. With Chartreuse green core and chartreuse white core being the best for my boat. Took some nice sauger on some paddle tails also.

This next photo is of Brad with another quality pool 4 Walleye.

The weather was very wet the last two days but the fish were there for the taking.

This next photo is one of Brad with a nice eye that fell pray to a Dustin Pro-Blue ringworm pitched into the wood.

We ran some three way rigs for two passes in an area looking for some sauger but I did not get them to go, so we opted to contine pitching.

All said in done we boated under 20 fish but it was a good day to finally see the eyes pick up the bite.

All fish on Saturday were caught and released.

Friday it didn’t rain as hard all day but it rained.

I had the honors of fishing with a father son team from Detroit Lakes Mn. Bob and Eric Dilbey.

We only found two 18 inch walleyes on Friday.

Had to settle for a nice limit of saugers instead.

Most of the saugers came on paddle tails with 3/8 oz jigs.

We were working a transition line from 12 to 16 feet of water to boat these saugers.

Here is Bob and Eric with there limit of fish.

Thanks for the day guys, it was great to get you on the water. Hope you had a safe trip home.

Take care hope to see you one the water.

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When I'm not fishing or working I'm looking for nitecrawlers...and Tournament Angler for the past 20 plus years.


  1. Here is another eye Brad boated during a down pour.
    I didn’t get the camera out as often as I would have liked to because of all the darn rain.

  2. Greg, I’ve been trying to keep the hot bite quiet down there…then you post this!

    Like all of your reports, nice picts and great info!

    …any cats?

  3. No cats sorry.
    This weekend was only sauger and walleye.
    Last weekend I had some carp and dogfish..
    Hey BK do dogfish and cat fish get along????????

  4. Hey Greg. Thanks for the good on the water. Catching fish and talking fish. Plus I learned a few things also. Thanks again, we might just have to do this again. Oh, I also got to meet Dean. Brad.

  5. Maybe the current will lighten up a little next week for vertical jigging Vandy…it must be a BEAR now!

    Nice report and pics!

  6. Nice report Vandy, the fish in that first pic is a hog!!!! Wish I could get up there, looks like I’m waiting another week.

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