Otter Tail County Pan Fishing

After three long weeks of the ice gear being on the shelf I finally got back out there. Brother big g dialed me up and had the lake and departure plan all laid out, I just needed to set the alarm. We hooked up with Shrumy, (also a IDA’er) and nephew Travis and headed northwest to Otter tail county for the day.

Secounds after popping the holes we had sunfish coming up. These fish would bite fast and spit fast, a quick set and feeling that quick strike was the key to success. We found two sizes of fish. Next years monsters and the two to a pound that we kept for a fry. It was fun listening to Glen teach Travis the basics of ice fishing. This was his first time out and he is already talking about next weekend. Travis pulled up about twenty five gills and only put two in the bucket. Bait today was larva and waxies in 12 fow.

It was a fun day of fishing and I am looking forward to next weekend already. Oh I should mention we cleaned a batch of fish up when we got home and big g fired up the deep fryer. Man that was good. This last pictures shows what happens to a young man after pulling fish up all day.

Get out and fish! the weather is right for it, I got a slight sunburn today.

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Doug Ertl

I have a cabin on the east side of Mille Lacs, and fish as often as possible. I live 6 miles south of St.Cloud and fish the Horseshoe chain, Pleasant, Grand, Koronis, Browns, Rice and Clearwater. I also fish old Full Bio ›


  1. What a great day we had!!! Special thanks to our guide Big G. I wish I had time to stay for the fish fry. The lessons I learned from Travis will serve as memories for a lifetime and stories for the campfire.
    I can’t wait for next weekend is it Friday yet????

  2. Great report!!!!
    Man! Those are some really nice gills!

    Easy on those fish fries! We have the opener coming up!!!! Save some of those bad boys!

  3. Nice job, my son’s and I were on Mille Lacs on Sat and my son got sunburnt so bad he had blisters on his cheeks. I know it’s probably the last thing a guy thinks about but if you have kids, don’t forget the sunblock!!!!


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