Shared the ice Sat the 27th.with my daughter Hannah, Brian and Sean Lyons, and Sean’s friend Joe. Fished in 20 FOW over and around the brush, but in Belva Deer just about anywhere is in the brush. Ice jig color or shape didn’t seem to mater much as long as it was tipped with a waxie. Fishing was best at first light and seemed to taper off through the morning. We left about noon. Here is Joe with some he jumped on early.
After the sun got up more the fishing slowed down, but we would get a gill or a bass once in a while. Photo 2 shows Hannah with a bass that she had fun catching. We caught quite a few of these through the morning. All the bass we released.
Photo 3 shows Hannah throwing her first one back in. After we explained to her that fish don’t go down the hole too good backwards it was turned around and sent on its way.
Even though the fishing was not fast it was good enough to keep your attention. The bluegills were nice sized, most in the 8.5 to 9 in class. Photo 4 shows Brian with a couple of keepers. Not much better than spending a few hours on the ice with family and friends [old and new]. Some of the fish fed my family for supper and the were delicious. If your in the mood to catch some nice gills in the brush give Belva Deer Lake a try! For those that don’t know Belva Deer is located in Keokuk County near Sigorney, Iowa.
One more pic of Hannah with some gills..
Nice gills and good photos,Thank you
Nice report and pics. How thick is the ice down there? Love2Fish
Nice gills Steve! My father and I were just talking about this lake on saturday. He was showing me some open water areas on the map where he caught some nice fish on that lake. He is in the north half of Iowa and was hoping to head south soon to some of Iowa’s good panfishing lakes he usually frequents. Thanks for the report!
5 to 6 in. No problem on foot. Did not see any 4 wheelers or tracks yet. We are going to have real cold temps this week. Should firm up real good. As always play it safe. As much fun as icefishin’ is, its not worth dying over!
Before anybody asks why there is no pictures of Sean [if that’s his real name], just remember, the Witness Protection Agency has rules!!
nice giils
What a great day! Thanks for taking me along. I always have a great time fishing with Hannah
Too bad my “best buddy” couldn’t make it 
Great looking Bulls!! How big did you get them?
Hey, guys I was down there on sat, and did well also the gill run from 8 to 11 only had the one that went 11 and put him back will be back down ther nw=ext week. the spring is the best for numbers but this is the only place that i have used 6lb test ice fishing because of the size and brush. If you want to get some f=real nice gill this lake is great, but please let those greatbig bulls go so we can enjoy this lake for years to come. IOWA really needs a limit on panfish. so please once again let those
big gills swim
thanks Kory
Nice fish guys!
Luke, This trip our biggest were maybe just over 9 in. Have caught them bigger than that sometimes, like KTERSINAR’s post. Also like was said ” lets not wipe them out” Good luck to all!!
Good to see you guys getting out. If this arctic weather keeps up, I am going to have to make a trip down there so you and Brian can teach me how to ice fish
Hey, Dustin any time you want to come down drop me a note would love to get you in on all those big gills, the doors is always open and you got a place to stay!!!!
good to here from you
Watch out Kory, Stewart will drink all of your beer if you let him in the house!
Sean hey that is okay maybe ill get a free trip on the river sometime.
Nice report Steve!
Glad you got the B’s out too.
I’m not sure if this is the start of a problem, but when I see a fishing report on gills…I have visions of Dean in an apron.
This might not be good.;)
Better get your ice fishing in now Dustin, 30 days or less and it’s FULL TIME open water at Everts!
I’m pretty sure we can get verification on BK needing professional help, apron visions or not
Glad to see you getting on fish, and down in my neck of the woods no less.
This is getting to me, finally getting cold enough to make ice down here, I’ve been out scouting around lakes the last couple of days, but I don’t have anyplace to keep any gear down here in my apartment
May just have to wait til next year