Lake Zumbro Ice Fishing

Had the chance to ice fish with a couple friends on Lake Zumbro – BrianK and Dan Thiem were my fishing partners for today. We wanted some of those big bull bluegills Lake Zumbro is famous for. We would not be disappointed! Small jigs with waxworms seemed to be the meal that those bullgills were ready to eat.

The ice has finally set up enough to allow snowmobiles and 4-wheelers to access the lake from the DNR ramp by the campground. The upper end of the lake is still not accessible because of thin ice. We did cross a few areas of minor slush, but no problems with the ice were seen and there appear to be tracks all over the lower area of the lake.

We set up in 25 fow on a sharply breaking shoreline. Brian put down some SOS Reel Weeds near his holes and once again proved that they make a difference. He continued to catch fish while Dan and I were not doing as well. Once I decided enough was enough, I also put some Reel Weeds close to me and immediately saw a vast improvement in my catching. Those Reel Weeds can be a very positive weapon to have available when the fish are not jumping out of the ice holes! There is no doubt that they attract fish and hold them close.

We ended our day of fishing by early afternoon with enough for a couple meals to send home with Brian. Our largest gill measured about 9 1/2 inches with most between 7 1/2 – 8 1/2 inches. We got a few crappie and perch mixed in as well. The ice was about 10 inches at the area we fished with lesser thichnesses as you moved further up the lake. It is still way to early to think about driving cars or trucks out on the lake. Thanks to my buddies for an enjoyable day. Sure was great to be back on one of my favorite lakes! Hope you all get out to enjoy some ice fishing soon!

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Been fishing Rochester and the surrounding area for 40+ years. I love all the lakes, rivers, and impoundments around Rochester, as well as pool 4 of the Mississippi.


  1. Way to go with the catching guys and thanks for the report! I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw a Lake Zumbro report…WAY cool! I can’t wait to get out there


  2. Well, It is great that your Reel Weeds are working so good, mine are not! At least I know that they do not seem to chase fish away. I have beem using them the last three weeks. I have experimented with them over this time. Again, they do not seem to chase fish away!

  3. Quote:

    Well, It is great that your Reel Weeds are working so good, mine are not! At least I know that they do not seem to chase fish away. I have beem using them the last three weeks. I have experimented with them over this time. Again, they do not seem to chase fish away!

    I have used them several times now and they do not always attract fish under every situation. Keep trying them and I think you will find they do work much of the time. Make sure you are getting them all the way to the bottom.

  4. Thanks for the report and pics guys. Looks like alot of fun and glad to hear we are finally get good ice on part of the lake.
    Thanks, Bill

  5. What is the water quality like on Zumbro? When I was growing up down in Rochester, we used to call it “Lake Scumbro” because of all the goose crap, nasty sediment and sewage going into the river.

  6. Quote:

    What is the water quality like on Zumbro? When I was growing up down in Rochester, we used to call it “Lake Scumbro” because of all the goose crap, nasty sediment and sewage going into the river.

    Yes, I remember those days. The water quality has really gotten very good. There are days in the summer when you can see the bottom in 8 fow. I remember when Lake Pepin was not very clean and that has also turned around.

  7. Mike…you forgot two things!

    PORK CHOPS on the water!!!

    …and who schooled you two!

    Hey! That doesn’t happen too often! I have to point that out when I can!

  8. I’ve heard that term used many times in the past as well but find the Zumbro to be pretty clean. Something I saw on the news just the other day was a busload of people heading up to the cities to work on securing funding to dredge the Zumbro. Wouldn’t that be interesting There was also a post about this that was started about a year ago. The post brings up some very valid concerns. Dredging Lake Zumbro

    Mike I hope this doesn’t hi-jack your report…hence the link to continue discussion there


  9. Quote:

    Mike…you forgot two things!

    PORK CHOPS on the water!!!

    …and who schooled you two!

    Hey! That doesn’t happen too often! I have to point that out when I can!

    Those pork chops Dan cooked out on the ice were great!
    Yes, Brian did catch more fish. What can I say?

  10. Quote:

    Great report Mike. It looks like you had fun. I hope Brian behaved himself!

    Has Brian ever behaved himself?

  11. Wow guys those are some dandy gills! Thanks for the great report and awesome pics! Heading out in the a.m. here in Nebraska to try and get on some decent gills.

    Layne Monroe


  12. Thanks for the report, glad to hear the ice is improving. Did you guys take a wheeler out or just go out on foot? How in the world did a cat guy catch so many gills. Does stink bait really work for gills and crappies….maybe thats the secret

  13. Zebra Mussels had somehow gotten into Lake Zumbro but instead of a negative effect so far it has been positive because they have clensed out the water very nicely so the water clarity is way much better. And that has benefited the fishery bigtime. Its a different world out there now.
    Thanks, Bill

  14. ps. and we still need to get Brian down here catfishing with Mike and I on open water so we can learn to catch channel cats like the master [Briank].

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