John Stears and I arrived at Everts at 10:30 am for a fun filled day on the water.
All I can say is that the plastics bite is still going very strong with some fine tuning.
This first photo is John with a very nice 22 inch sauger.
We did not catch over twenty fish today but all that we did catch were quality type sauger 17 to 22 inches.
This next fish is another that we pulled off of a sand flat. We used ringworms all day long.
I have not had alot of luck vertical the past two trips out so we opted to drag lite jigs on sand flats and break edges.
1/8 oz and 3/16 oz jigs with ring worms. Oyster shell being our best color but we tried many colors.
Most of our fish came pulling up river very slowly.
Crossing current and down river pulls did not tigger as many bites for my boat. Just a slow movement up current.
When the bite gets tough don’t be afraid to try some new techniques. The river can and will reward you on some days.
This next photo is of John with one of four smallies that came to the boat today.
Well I have been on the water four days already in this new year and the weather has been awesome.
The night bite has been hit and miss for my boat.
We only boated two fish tonight, and they were just fish.
No mama’s for my boat, maybe next time.
Well this was just a quick update.
Back at it tomorrow.
Take care and Good Luck.
All fish were released, freezer is full.
It was good to see Dean back at the Resort.
Wishing for a speedy recovery Dean.
Here is a sunset from Thursday.
Here is a daytime photo of the dam.
Here is one more fish picture they are all looking the same to me.
We only had three walleyes today the biggest 18 inches.
Leave it to John to find the bass.
This is a DAN-DEEEEE sauger! Congrats Mr. Stears.
Man, that’s a sweetie sauger! Nice fish John. Great report Greg!!
Thanks for the report and pics Greg. Even in these pics John looks much happier when holding a sauger/walleye than he does with a bass. I think hes a converted eye guy now.

Thanks, Bill
Great fish and pictures Greg!!
Nice looking fish and pics
Good to hear Dean is trying to get upright again also
Nice looking saugers guys!
Nice report to Greg!
Thanks for the tips yesterday,Greg. We ended up dragging up 5 eaters in an hour or so where before that we only got one in a couple hours vertical. What a great afternoon to be on the water!
Thanks Guys!
These posts and pictures help me get through the winter… I’ll see you guys the end of March!
You’ll have to save some of that Bass karma for this spring when we team up finally John…
I have to thank Greg for 3 great trips this winter. I sold my winter boat (a mistake)
so I’ve been bumming rides. Not only has Greg taken me but I’ve learned a ton from him. Plus, I caught my biggest walleye ever (10.1 lb) and my biggest sauger in over 5 years off his back deck. I you’re looking to accelerate your learning curve consider hiring Greg for a day. 
I think everyone will agree this fall/winter has been exceptional for quality sauger. What a fishery!
Nice fish guys
. The dragging bite was very strong today as well for my boat. Not a single walleye today but well over 40 saugers in the 16″ to 21″ class. 8′-16′ was best for my boat today. Oyster shell, firecracker and pro-blue ringies were my best colors.
I’ll be on the water on Monday as well
Yea Mike, John found three bass to my one. I just do not know how he does it. I think it is genetic thing.
James never scaled her but I figure she could have run 5 pounds. Either way she was big and her genes are going to do it again this year.
Hey Redneck it was good to see you and the Jr. Glad you found your eaters..
Tom looking forward to seeing you in the spring. Have a great New Year.
Dustin it was great to see you out there today. Glad to see you and the family fishing and doing rather well at it I might say. Man that wind just got too nasty for me, and I had forgotten to fill my oil tank and my alarm started. That was a perfect excuse to quit early. Good luck on Monday.
Hey John as always it was a great time fishing with you.
I still have too chuckle every time I think about how our day started.
Ok I will tell the story.
I wanted to check a couple of spots down river so away we go.

We get down to Hay Creek, I stop the boat lower the trolling motor and plug it in and no power…nothing well I say a couple three or four blue words. That really didn’t seem to help much. So I go back to dig around the battery compartments. John goes and looks at the pedal and says whats this switch on the side for???
Well the light goes on, Oh yea that is the on off switch. So he flipped the switch to on and it worked for the rest of the day. Thanks John……
Thanks for the report. I was hoping to get over to the river this weekend but was unable to do so. Sounds like I missed out on the fun! Work commitments are going to keep me off of the river until the next nice day in Feb.!
Awesome report Greg!!!
Great report and nice fish!
Lookin Good Greg