With no ice in the area AmWatson and myself decided it would be fun to jump in my floater and try to target some early am picture fish. The plan was to head south from the Dresbach dam and drag ring worms on sand flats. It wasn’t 10 minutes into the first drag and my Firecracker Blue Tail Ring Worm pierced onto an 1/4oz Unpainted H2O Precision Jig Head came to a stop and the hook was set, too my surprise it wasn’t a rock but a fish that fought back hard
With some good head shaking going on my jig flew back at me not 3 feet from the boat
At the end of this sand flat the water drops to 20 feet and has large rock and some wood for bottom structure. It was just as we hit the bottom of the drop Wats picked up a nice chubby sauger!
After a few more runs up river to drag this flat a few times it produced another short eye and some smaller saugers. The move was made down river to fish another area that was laid out the same, 10fow over a sand flat with some current dropping into 20fow with bottom structure. This does cause some hang ups but as I told Wats all day, that’s were the fish are The second spot produced a very healthy 21 inch eye (pictured above) for Wats, he was the stick to beat for dragging in the morning. Nice eye Wats
We tried some other set ups the same way with short fish as a result. The dragging bite was over by 10:00am so a run to the dam was made to go vertical. I was using the same H2O Jig Head but this time it was loaded with a Chartreuse Super Doo tipped with meat. This set up was getting hit in 25fow picking up some small saugers with one being a keeper. AmWatson was throwing everything but the kitchen sink at them by this time having the same results. With 2 keeper saugers for breakfast, netting a dandy eye for AmWatson and many laughs, it made for a great day and helped us forget about the ice conditions for awhile
We did see some other fish caught by the dam but never what you would call a fast and furious bite by any means.
Good luck Fishing People
great post bret! BTW..there is still 6″ of ice in places on pool 8 with biting bulls/crappies…
again, nice report!
Something about fishing in a boat in January with no ice around us just doesn’t seem right
I must be getting weak

Bret knows the areas we fished today very well and he actually said we would get a fish right about here just before the big eye of the day hit

But, like Bret said, we decided to make the best of the situation and hit the open water. We had a great time even though I had to have Bret make a pit stop back to the landing. I was freezing this morning and luckily had more clothes back in the truck to put on
Bret was actually the guy doing a lot more catching today. He has always smoked me when it comes to using the super-doos. I still don’t really have the technique down for them. But, I did catch 1 fish today on a pink doo…..a big sucker
I threw ringworms, paddletails, blades, hair, and a jig and minnow but all the eyes and saugers came from a ringworm early in the day.
It was good to fish with you again Bret
Thanks for the report and pics guys. Hard to beat the B-Fish-N plastics at this time of year.
Thanks, Bill
Great report guys, nothing like a good time with friends and a few fish thrown in as a bonus. Hopefully in a week or two we can get back to some ice reports!!

Thanks much for the report fellas.Looks like you guys had a fun day on the water,and some nice fish also
Nice report

Looks like a great day on the water.
Great report Bret!! Sounds like cold air is on the way!!
Any current there. I fish pool6 a lot and they are letting a lot of water through there. Was there twice this week and it’s muddy with a lot of grass in water. Really had to work to catch any fish and the majority of them were cigars. Up until this last week we were doing real well there. Thanks
Nice report Brett!
Despite the lack of ice, it still looks a little cold out there.
Omelet and fresh filets anyone
There was very little flow with some water coming over the rollers. You would pick up grass with a long line but if you kept your line at a 45 degree angle while dragging you were ok. We only seen a couple ice flows go by which was a surprise. I thought there would have been more ice coming off the Lake above the dam.
AmWatson will contest to the cold. There was some shaking going on by the end of the day! It always seems colder this time of year in the boat than it dose on the ice!
Looks yummy.I remember pushin a boat out this time of year and freezin our tails off for lots of little saugers.Was there anyone fishin from shore?
Thanks. On six they had 2 end roolers up on both sides and water coming over all the rest at a pretty good clip. Current was almost like spring. Very few ice chunks but grass was really thick. Was real surprised to seeing them let that much water out. I was just wondering if it had something to do with the drawdown on pool 5.
Hey, Watson Hows about taking a certain family member that lives in the same town as you out
and educating him on catching some of those eyes sometime
Your report sounds a little like mine also. I fished the Black River a little and worked some wing dams with ring worms Sat and dragged some sand and ended up with a few small eyes. Decided to try my luck at the dam Sunday morning. The ‘eye and sauger bite was not happening but I did stumble upon a nice mess of perch and I ended my day with ten nice perch for a future fish fry. Green Precision Jig head 1/4 oz and a piece of meat worked best.
mccrty_ryn-Sent you a PM (flashing envelope on the top of the page)
Nice report Bret. Aweosme Job Wats And Bre TT
Can’t beat fishing the open water in January

Nice report Bret. You and Wats surely had a good day

That’s my kind of breakfast
Here is a picture of the batch of perch I caught Sunday jigging around the dam area.
Nice perch belgian

I think it was last spring when Dodge Boy and myself got into some sumo perch at the dam as well.
Thanks, here is one of the big one of the day. Actually I just figured out how to post pic so I want to make sure it wasn’t a fluke the first time.
Very nice lookin’ mess of perch

That would explain the short hits we were getting
Thanks for the pics!!!