Last week the bite appeared as though it was ready to take off and produce the numbers of walleyes that we have been waiting for the last month or so. With recent measurable rainfalls from last weekend, the water clarity has temporarily dirtied up a bit and flows have increased slightly. Typically this amount of rain has little effect on the bite, but it seems as though the fish have responded since the rain and the bite has fallen off pace a bit. I think this is very temporary and I presume the bite should pick right back up in the coming days.
But as Pool 2 has shown us anglers over the years that you do not necessary have to catch a lot of numbers to boat a trophy walleye. Right now your odds of getting a big fish are VERY good even with a bit lower numbers. Tough to argue with those results right!
Some good news has come from the rain however, the recent rains have raised water levels slightly…..and the flows have risen respectively as well.
I have been playing the “milk route” plan as well as the “camp out” plan and both have shown to produce fish. Not one of them has really out shined the other as far as upping your odds, at least from what I have seen the past 5 days. Small flurries of activity seem to come and go and if you are willing to sit through a slight a lull in feeding frenzy’s, you can take advantage of the numbers of walleyes utilizing a piece of structure. More often than not this time of year if you are getting bit on a spot, chances are there are plenty of fish around and sticking around to take advantage of a spot can prove big dividends. Brian Hilgartners buddy Sean (shown in the first picture) is proof that this works. We sat on a confidence spot of mine and Sean sets the hook into a hefty walleye that tips the scales at 8.1#…a personal best for him! Congratulations Sean, that’s a beautiful fish!
Presentations have stayed pretty much the same as weeks past, I have noticed the BFT’s new blade baits getting a few more fish in situations where the bite appears to be off the pace. This new blade bait has gave me confidence in the past several months to know that I need to always keep a rod rigged with one close by. The past two trips have accounted for 6 of the 15 fish that has made its way to the boat…..I guess it should just become another tool to your arsenal for river walleyes!
My mainstay presentation this time of year remains to be a 3/16th and 1/8th oz BFT precision jig heads coupled with BFT’s ringworms. The best colors for my boat as of late have been Chartreuse Pepper and Oyster Shell. Biting a ½-3/4 of an inch of ringworm off somedays has proven to get those short biters when they are biting a bit light.
Good luck to all!
Another great report Steve!! I will make it up there sometime soon. I just asked the wife if I could go this weekend and apparently she has things for me to do!! RATS!! Great job!!

Beautiful fish Steve!
Thanks for the report. I am hitting some new territory tomorrow with my buddy Trevor and esoxellent from this site. Are you fishing wingdams mostly still?
Steve – are you using the 1/4 ounce BFT blade baits? I’ve done OK on blades on P4, but haven’t spent any time with them up here. I’m kinda worried about losing them on the wingdams…
Nice fish Steve..
Beautiful fish Steve!! Great report!
Any pointers on how to pitch those blade baits. Just got mine in the mail today. Any help would be great so I dont burn threw them trying to learn how to fish them.
Nice looking fish Steve. That moon looks real bright in a couple of photos.
Hey Mike, the ONLY tips I have are to use superline and to keep the darn things moving. I learned those lessons the hard way.
I’m still not sure I could keep a 1/4 ounce BFT blade off the wingdams up here, though…
I lost 1 blade bait up there in the last two trips with Steve. Fish a heavier braid, 14/6 fireline worked well, and don’t over-work the blade as subtle jigging and allowing the blade to flutter down on a tight line was what has been triggering strikes.
James hit it on the with beefing up your line. I have a couple rods rigged with 15# Power Pro line and have gotten most of them back. I have lost one 1/4 oz blade in the last 3 trips now. Depending on which way you look at it, the wingdams will become more debris free by using some heavier line. You will now have the muscle to heave in some old barge anchor, old tennis shoes, 6 miles of 3 yr old fishing line, plus some mighty fine walleyes!
Barge anchor you say. Good deal. If you happen to pull in a rictor off the 1st green cone north of 494 it mine. Left it there earlyer this week.
Do you guys let those blade baits hit bottom or do you just work them over the structure?
I actually let it fall and hit bottom before flicking it back upwards. I’n not a great blade fisherman by any means but its what works for me and with the right line I’m just not loosing many baits.
Another great report Steve
Hard not to think open water when we are having the winter we are.
Hey Steve, Man you never give up! Those are some great fish. I see Santa forgot to bring you a new cap for x-mas, glad to see it still works!
Great report once again. What are you going to do when you have to send your boat off?
Great Fish Steve.

I think I meant barge anchor rope. Seems as though I have been pretty effecient at cleaning up some dams as of late.
Pulled nearly 60 feet of it off one of the dams up by the airport! 
Not sure yet..I got myself a new Otter fish house for my son and I. Otherwise weather permitting I will drag my jon boat back on the river for a little playtime…..Or it might be a nice time for a little break?….NAAAAH!