Mississipi River Backwaters Wabasha, Mn Ice Fishin

The Mississippi River backwaters near Wabasha, Minnesota is home to ”Grumpy Old Men” AND to where ALOT of many different kinds of fish live. Mike Smith from Hooked On Fishing and I spent a couple hours fishing there this afternoon. Read on to see how we did AND to maybe get the answer to a question everyone has been asking….

Mike closed up his store in Rochester at 2:00 and we headed to Wabasha to catch some fish in the backwaters in that area. We arrived around 3:00 and found other fishermen enjoying the backwaters too. We traveled light bringing an auger, flasher, ice hole scoops, rods, camera, ice picks and of course ”Reel Weeds.”

Now this was my first time seeing these Reel Weeds up close in person and they looked real, were very green, were very easy to lower into the ice hole and the depth was adjusted by a float. Very easy to use. Sweet. And Briank was right-Mike hogged the weeds to himself, lol. I talked to Brian earlier today on the phone and told him I was the camera man and I had guessed right about watching Mike catch fish today. lol. Now the weeds were closer to Mikes fishing holes than mine which set the course for an evaluation of these Reel Weeds. Mike started popping fish after fish before I could even get started fishing. I couldn’t believe it. I got my behind whipped bad. lol. Seriously by the end of the two hours of fishing he caught like 30 fish to my ten. Was it the weeds? You tell me. 30 fish to ten is a big difference. Heres the way I look at it. The weeds look real. They are nice and green. Fish like weeds. Their food likes weeds. The fish are sitting there and all of a sudden out of nowhere right in the middle of their living room [the fish live in the water so thats their home] there are weeds. Of course they are going to investigate it. Wouldn’t you? And when they check it out they find food [your bait] and that means FISH ON!

Mike is a panfish geru and when we fish together for panfish I expect him to catch a few more than me but certainly not this many. My holes were slow starters and after alittle while I caught some fish as I moved around from hole to hole. But yes I WAS the camera man today. lol.

We caught our…ok mostly Mikes…lol…fish jigging and it seemed to me at least that most of the fish were caught when we held the jig and waxie mostly still. Mike wanted four different spieces of big fish for the report today but in only having two hours of fishing time we didn’t get the big ones. And he had his heart set on ”BIG” crappies but the crappie weren’t big enough so he wouldn’t let me take a pic of crappie caught. The first pic is of a bass, the second one is a bluegill, and even a perch was caught to make the third pic, and with no big crappie pic #4 ended up being another gill.

Theres just something about the Mississippi River that gets me excited. Its so peacefull there, its a fantastic fishery, and home to ALOT of many different kinds of fish. The river is loaded with many acres of backwaters that many fish call home. We fished in 6 feet of water sitting/standing on 6 inches of ice where we were. You could see the fish below the ice as you brought them up to the hole. Very neat to see.

Ice fishing is a great fun sport that can be enjoyed by many so be sure and get out on the ice this season and catch yourself some fish. As always be safe and check out the ice conditions on the body of water you plan to fish on. Good luck. And be sure and let us know how you do.

Thanks, Bill

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IDO Reporter, Walleye Searchers of Minnesota Member


  1. Nice Bill, I can still taste the fish that Dean fried up a week ago…goood!

    I’m really glad you didn’t meantion the color “purple” or ratso’s in your report. I did that last year and couldn’t find one from January on. Keeping them a secret is very important…again, thanks for not talking about them.

    Mike, I know you had a lost shipment problem with your first order of Reel Weeds. Do you have enough of them to last a week now?

  2. I know he has half of them sold already and you and I helped him carry them all into the store last Saturday morning so we know how many he ”did” have.
    Thanks, Bill

  3. Hang in there Cade. We have colder temps coming with low thirties for highs and 20s for lows. Ice will be made again soon.
    Thanks, Bill

  4. Quote:

    I’m really glad you didn’t meantion the color “purple” or ratso’s in your report. I did that last year and couldn’t find one from January on. Keeping them a secret is very important…again, thanks for not talking about them.

    Ya know Brian I didn’t even try that color yesterday. I’ll have to use it next time. Thanks for not mentioning it. It will be our secret color.
    Thanks, Bill

  5. Nice going Bill !! And thank you for helping carry in my 5 pack of weeds, I just picked them up today. They look awesome and I can hardly wait to try them. Now I need a nice 4 or 5 inch auger for those things. I’ll have to get a camera setup going so I can watch what happens when I drop them onto a nice weedless bottom.

  6. Mike sure out fished me bigtime which surely says alot. He used the Reel Weeds and I didn’t have them so that tells me that they attracted the fish. ALL holes that Mike used were new holes so there ”weren’t” any holes that Mike knew would work better than others.

    Thanks, Bill

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